Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS)
SEAS evaluation process

Evaluation process of SEAS fellow applications

This page provides information about the SEAS evaluation process.

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UiB will recruit international external experts to evaluate candidates for UiB's SEAS postdoctoral research fellow positions. This page provides an overview of the expert evaluation process. 

The third call for applications is open between April 1st and June 12th, 2023. UiB will initially screen all applications for eligibility, and we envisage sending out all eligible applications for external review in the middle of November.

The SEAS programme will announce each position in Jobbnorge and will set up evaluation panels, one for each of the positions announced. There will be at least 3 experts in each panel. Our aim is to set up panels that reflect diversity and broad scientific expertise. 

Selected panel members cannot have any bindings to UiB, applicants or their supervisors that could influence their judgements, and must confirm this before the review process starts. One member of each panel will be appointed as rapporteur. For appointed SEAS evaluators, please find more detailes about the evaluation procedure in the SEAS Guide for evaluators