Centre for Women's and Gender Research

News archive for Centre for Women's and Gender Research

Pride 2020 is upon us, and in the Centre for Women's and Gender Research's (SKOK) research and teaching, you can find many exciting perspectives related to this year’s programme.
In April, WAIT researcher Shahram Khosravi was interviewed about the pandemic and borders as part of a series of conversations called Four Rooms.
In this blog post, four researchers connected to the WAIT project reflect on how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting migrants with precarious legal status in Europe.
Reflections from researchers at the WAIT project on the complexity of waiting in pandemic times.
Ph.D candidate Kari Anne Drangsland has been published in acclaimed journal Time and Society.
WAIT has strengthened its research group with post doctor Jessica Schultz, a lawyer specialized in international refugee law and human rights law.
Postdoctoral fellow Redi Koobak is researching the #metoo moment in academia.
Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow Claus Halberg tells us what he is working with.
What is PhD candidate Anders Rubing's research all about?
Professor Odin Lysaker is one of the core researchers in the WAIT group.
Questions regarding migration and patriarchy, in particular the Lebanese diaspora, were debated during Ghassan Hage's visit in Bergen.
On February 6-9, 2019, the researchers on the WAIT project gathered in Athens.
Read the newest blog entry from PhD candidate Halvar A. Kjærre on his research amongst Afghans in Europe.
"Meeting the migrants have made a big impression on me, but as an anthropologist it is also through these meetings that I do my best thinking."
What are the moral consequences of irregular migrants’ prolonged waiting?
Read Kari Anne Drangsland's reflections on how silence is telling of the normative structures that shape irregular migrants' experience of waiting.
In the latest blog entry from the WAIT project, Marry-Anne Karlsen writes about how irregularized migrants' sense of waiting is produced.
Social anthropologist and WAIT researcher Shahram Khosravi is currently carrying out fieldwork among irregular migrants in Stockholm.
