Department of Sociology

News archive for Department of Sociology

In this article our professors Johs. Hjellbrekke and Olav Korsnes discuss how Pierre Bourdieu’s (1930-2002) theory of fields can be applied in comparative studies of the field of power.
On september 11th Alf G. Nilsen wrote an invited comment on the norwegian elections in the renowned British newspaper The Guardian. After this he received threats. - We are witnessing a development of society where we really need that different opinions come forward, and that people can participate in public debate without putting their own safety at risk.
The full title of the article is "Against the Current, From Below: Resisting Dispossession in the Narmada Valley, India" and it is published in the latest volume of Journal of Poverty (Volume 17, Issue 4, 2013)
The book explains the Narmada conflict and addresses how the building of the anti-dam campaign was animated by processes of collective learning, how activists extended the spatial scope of their struggle by building networks of solidarity with transnational advocacy groups, and how it is embedded in and shaped by a wider field of force of capitalist development at national and transnational... Read more
On September 11th our colleague Alf Gunvald Nilsen wrote an article on the Norwegian election by invitation from The Guardian.
New publication from Alf Gunvald Nilsen in Critical Sociology: Adivasi Mobilization in Contemporary India: Democratizing the Local State?
New publication from Alf Gunvald Nilsen in Critical Sociology: Adivasi Mobilization in Contemporary India: Democratizing the Local State?
Alf Gunvald Nilsen has edited a new book with Colin Barker, Manchester Metropolitan University, Laurence Cox, National University of Ireland Maynooth and John Krinsky, The City College of New York.
Professor Karen Christensen and Ingrid Guldvik have published the new report"Migrant care workers’ lived experiences in the UK and Norway".
Les intervju med Thomas Lorentzen ved Sosiologisk institutt på det nordiske forskningsnettstedet www.sciencenordic.com.
Researchers from the Welfare, Inequality and Life Course (VUL) research group visited the SCWR Unit and Job Center plus in London
In a newly published article in Ethnicities, Christine Jacobsen and Mette Andersson follow the engagement of youth from a multi-ethnic Oslo mosque.
In a newly published article in Critical Social Policy, Karen Christensen presents a critical analysis of privatization in longterm care in Norway.
"Transitions to parenthood in Europe - A comparative life course perspective" edited by Ann Nilsen, Julia Brannen and Suzan Lewis.
Professor Lise Widding Isaksen has published the article "Transnational Spaces of Care: Migrant Nurses in Norway" in Social Politics.
Professor Elise Widding Isaksen and Helle Stenum have contributed with a chapter in the new book: "Politics of Care".
In a new op-ed article in Global Dialogue, the newsletter of the International Sociological Association, Alf Nilsen comments on the suspension of Rod Thornton, lecturer at the University of Nottingham.
Sosiologisk institutt er bevilget midler fra NFRs program Utdanning 2020 til forprosjektet "Transforming vocational education and training - a collaborative research proposal". Prosjektleder er Ole Johnny Olsen. Prosjektet er et samarbeid med Svein Michelsen, Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonskunnskap, UiB, og forskere ved NIFUSTEP og FAFO. Forskere ved Høgskolen i Akershus vil bli... Read more
