About the strategy work
In the work on a new strategy, the university community is invited to give their input.
Main content
The strategy process is an important part of a vital university democracy, and an open and inclusive process will be facilitated for employees and students. It is a key goal that employees and students from all over uib gain ownership of the process of forming a new strategy for the institution.
Process and involvement
The strategy work will be carried out in two phases. The spring semester will be used to make basic analyzes, and during the spring the organization and external stakeholders will be invited to share their input and assessments. In the autumn of 2022, the strategy will be completed. The board adopts a new strategy in early 2023.
An important element in the platform of knowledge is a review of UiB's strategic focus areas; "Marine research", "Global challenges" and "Climate and energy transition". Particular emphasis will be placed on assessments and recommendations for interdisciplinarity, organization and status of instruments for the areas.
During the strategy process, students and staff will have the opportunity to give their input to the new strategy.
This is so far planned:
- Input meetings for UiB's employees.
- Dialogue meetings with internal or external stakeholders and invited guests.
- Review and analyzes of UiB's position as an international, research-intensive comprehensive university based on the core areas; research, education, innovation and dissemination.
- The organization will be asked to comment and follow up on questions related to the analysis work.
- The university management will visit all departments. Here they will discuss the challenges and future opportunities of the different departments.
- The Student Parliament will be invited to get involved in the work through their regular meetings with the university leadership.
- The strategy work will be the main agenda of two board seminars. The first will be according to plan in connection with the board seminar in May, the second during the coming autumn.
- The strategy work will be on the agenda during the university leadership conference in April.
- Input from external stakeholders and partners, as well as external analyzes.
The strategy process will be be broad and inclusive. The university community is invited to an open dialogue throughout the process.
Deputy recor Pinar Heggernes will lead the strategy work. Together with the deans a representative from the students, Heggernes will constitute the central working group. The working group's work will not start until the second phase, in the autumn of 2022.
The group will have the following mandate:
Prepare proposals for an overall strategy. In accordance with the University of Bergen's core values, the strategy will provide a framework for the institution in the period up to 2030.
Identify driving forces that influence the university's development.
- Formulate goals and priorities for the university's development.
- Ensure that the the university community is involved and invited to take part in an open and critical dialogue.
The central strategy group is supported by a secretariat from the University Director's office consisting of Tore Tungodden (head of the secretariat), Kari Fuglseth, Steinar Vestad and Ingar Myking.
The secretariat will be responsible for writing texts, collecting analyzes and providing practical planning and follow-up.
The University Board will be kept informed through matters to board meetings, as well as through its own seminars where the major areas in the strategy are discussed.