Student Pages

On the day of the exam

How does the exam take place? When do I have to present myself for the examination, and what can and should I bring? Read also about the answer paper and withdrawal from the exam. The information on this page applies to written on-campus examinations.

Main content

During the examination, you are obliged to abide by the instructions given by the invigilators present at the examination.

1. Meet-up time

The examination hall opens 30 minutes ahead of examination start time. Please arrive for examination well in advance and no later than 15 minutes ahead of examination start time. 

Please check your room for the examination in Studentweb 3 days prior to the exam (in "Upcoming events" / "Information"). Here you will also find your candidate number for each exam.

Law courses where support materials are allowed: no later than 50 minutes before the exam starts. The examination starts when the inspection of support materials begins.

2. Bring to the exam

On the day of your exam you must bring:

  • Student identity card or valid ID (with photo)
  • Computer
  • Permitted support materials during examniation, if stated in the course description.
  • Writing tools, you can ask for rough paper after the exam has started.

You should also bring food and beverages.

3. Make yourself ready

Find a desk and get ready:

  • Lay out the items you are going to use during the examination. Place items you will not be using – including coats, jackets, backpacks, bags and the like – at the specified place. Mobile phones, MP3 players, smart watches and other electronic devices that will not be used during the examination must be turned off or put on airplane mode and put away. Devices like these cannot be kept in pockets or on the desk. 
  • A student identity card or valid ID (with photo) must be visible on your desk during the entire exam.
  • You may keep food and beverages on or by the desk during the entire exam. You may eat and drink whenever you want, but make sure you do not disturb other students sitting around you.
  • If you want to check your notes or support material other than what is specially permitted for you exam, you must do this outside the examination hall before the examination starts.

If support material other than that which is specifically permitted is found, it will be confiscated and the case will, if applicable, be handled as cheating or attempted cheating.  

For digital exam, your computer must be set up for the exam as soon as possible and before any inspection of support materials.

  • It is important to close/exit all programs that are running on your computer to ensure that it works as best as possible during the exam.
  • Please do not use your computer for activities other than your examination after you have entered the examination hall.
  • Connect to the wireless network that will be used during the exam. Eduroam is used in most exam locations (How to connect to Eduroam). Where necessary, you will be given information about the network in the venue.
  • Start a browser (not Safe Exam Browser) and go to vurdering.uib.no. Select "Log on with Feide", set your affiliation to UiB and log on with your ordinary UiB username and password.
  • Find your exam and follow the onscreen instructions to open the exam in the secure browser. You will be asked for your password (PIN code); this will be provided to you by the invigilator just before the exam begins.
  • When the exam starts you will be given access to the exam questions, and may start writing your answers.

4. During the exam

Attendance and ID control
You must sign in your attendance at the exam. An invigilator will come around with the attendance list to register you and check your ID during the first hour of the exam period. 

Keeping the exam location quiet
The exam location must be kept quiet until all students finish their exam. Remember that exams of various lengths may be taking place in the same venue. Students who are granted special arrangements in the form of extended time to take the exam, or who have been granted extra time due to technical problems during the examination, are also entitled to peace and quiet the entire time allotted for the exam. Show consideration for your fellow students.

Breaks and leaving the exam location
You are not permitted to take a break away from your seat until 30 minutes after the exam has started. You cannot leave the exam location (withdraw or submit), until one hour after the exam started. You must hide or cover your answers and any drafts when you leave your seat. When one hour of the exam time has passed, you may contact an invigilator to get some air.

Questions about the exam
You may contact the examiner with academic responsibility if something is unclear in the examination question paper. Such contact is facilitated by the head invigilator in the exam location.
Law subjects: You can contact the student representative in the venue if something is unclear in the examination question paper. 

Technical issues during digital exams
In case of technical problems during a digital exam, contact an invigilator immediately. Failure to contact an invigilator when you experience technical difficulties may be treated as cheating or attempted cheating.

Submission of exam paper
When you are ready to submit your answers, please contact an invigilator. Submitting and registering your delivery is done while you are seated at your desk, see more information paragraph 6. Submitting.

Spacing between candidates
There is a minimum of 1 meters between any two seated candidates at all UiB examination venues.

Interruption of examination
It is highly unlikely that an exam will be cancelled, but if it were to happen, it is important to have clear guidelines.

If something happens that causes the exam to be interrupted for more than one hour, the exam will be cancelled and it will be arranged again as soon as possible. The head invigilator will then inform you.

5. Answer paper

  • With school exams your answers must be written in the digital exam system at vurdering.uib.no.
  • If you have acceess to addtional resoures like formulas, Lovdata or articles during your exam, you will find these on the bottom of your screen. You can open them in a new window. Please, contact an ivigilator if you need help to find a window you have opened or to show two windows on your screen at the same time. 
  • After the exam has started, you can ask an invigilator for sheets of rough paper if you need some. Use your own writing tools. Use only papers handed out at the exam. Rough papers cannot be submitted as part of your exam. 

Hand-drawn attachments

  • On some exams it will be possible to attach hand-drawn sketches/illustrations or handwritten text to your digital exam answer. An exam question code will then be available under each of the questions in the exam set. Ask the invigilator for drawing paper. The exam question code is unique for each question per student, so be sure to mark the sheet you have written or drawn on with the exam question number and the question code for the question you have answered on the sheet during examiniation. You will not have access to the question codes after you have submitted  your answers. In the 15 minutes after exam end time, you must shade the exam question code in the boxes under each digit in the question code and also fill out other requested information at the top of the page. Your candidate number can be found in the exam system. Please ask an ivigilator if you have trouble finding question codes or your candidate number.
  • You are responsible for marking your illustrations correctly, see examples of hand-written attachments.

6. Submitting

  • You are personally responsible for submitting your answers electronically. When the exam time has expired, your answer is automatically locked for editing and you will be directed to the submission page. You must still register your submission with an invigilator before you leave the exam location; failure to do so may be treated as cheating or attempted cheating.
  • When you have finished your exam, the sheets are to be submitted together, in the order they will be added to your answer paper, to the invigilator who registers your submission. Make sure the invigilator registers the correct number of sheets you submit. The sheets are normally scanned the day after the exam and are uploaded in the answer paper to the exam question to which they belong. 
  • Your exam can not be reopened after you have submitted, even when the exam end time is has not been reached.
  • As a main rule, your answer paper is accessible in the exam system after the exam under the 'Archive' tab. Any paper submissions will also be accessible here.


7. Withdrawal or illness during the exam

Withdrawing during the exam
You can withdraw from an examination, at the earliest, one hour after the examination has started. Contact the head invigilator and complete a withdrawal form. The invigilator will help you withdraw from the test in the exam system. Withdrawals during an examination will be treated as an examination attempt.

Illness during the exam
You can also withdraw from the exam should you fall ill during the examination and are unable to complete it. Contact the head invigilator and complete a withdrawal form. In order for an absence caused by illness to be registered as a legitimate absence, the doctor's note must identify the illness that arose during the examination, state the date of the examination and be submitted within two weeks after the exam.

See information in webpage Illness and examinations on where and how to submit the doctor’s note.

Infection control advice

Please follow general infection control advice that still applies to all, in consideration of your fellow students.