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Permitted support materials during examinations

The faculties and the courses have different rules on what support materials are permitted on examinations. Remember to check before each exam you are sitting.

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Permitted support materials during the examination may vary in different courses and you must check what is permitted for each exam you sit (UiB Study regulations §§ 2-3 i) and 7-4 c)). You will find all the information needed under “Examination Support Material” in the course description. The faculties have different routines for use of Dictionary during an examination, please check for your faculty. You can find information about your faculty in the faculty pages below. 

Illegal use of support materials in examinations

UiB is very serious about cheating on examinations. It can have major consequences for you if you bring materials that are not allowed on the exam. This applies even if the material is not used or if it is not helpful for the examination in question. University of Bergen has made a brochure about cheating and academic integrity for students. 

Instructions for support materials when allowed:


At school examinations you are often allowed to use a native language dictionary or a spelling dictionary. You must hand in your dictionary at your Faculty Information Center no later than one week before your exam(s). At the exam an invigilator will provide your dictionary.

  • Humanities - Dictionaries must be approved by the faculty no later than 3 working days before the examination. If you can bring your own support materials directly into the examination room, the department will inform you about this.
  • Law - Only support materials approved by the faculty is allowed. Book control takes place in examination room before the exam paper is handed out, for more information see Inspection of suppport material at the examination 
  • Psychology - Dictionaries must be approved by the faculty Information Centre at the latest one week before the exam. If you don’t have a suitable dictionary, you may apply to loan one from the faculty, given that there are dictionaries available in your language. Please click here for application form.
  • Mathematics and science -  Find the details on routines for dictionaries here
  • Social science - Dictionaries must be approved by the faculty’s information centre no later than 1 week before the examination. If you can bring your own support materials directly into the examination room, the department will inform you about this.
    The followring rules apply for use of dictionaries:
    • The dictionary cannot be lexical/encyclopaedic, meaning that it can't contain definitions.
    • The dictionary must be able to be controlled, meaning that one of the languages must be in English or a Scandinavian language.
    • Electronic dictionaries are not allowed.


In courses where the course description states that you can use a calculator, the following terms apply:

If simple calculator is allowed, these models are approved:

  • Casio FX-82ES PLUS
  • Casio FX-82EX
  • Casio FX-82CW
  • Casio FX-82 SOLARII

If any calculator is approved, the calculator must fulfill the following terms:

  • The calculator is unable to send or receive messages or files.
  • The calculator is unable to connect to the internet.
  • The calculator does not make noise.
  • User manuals, program specifications, installed programs or other additional programming are not allowed.

You must bring the calculator with you on the day of the examination. You are responsible for ensuring that the calculator you have brought are in accordance with the demands as above–mentioned and with the provisions on examination support materials in the individual course description.

Inspection of support material at the examination at the Faculty of Law

On exams at the Faculty of Law where you are allowed to bring analog support materials, the support material will be checked in the examination room before the examination starts. You can find information on this at the site for Inspection of support material at the examination.

Make sure to read the regulations concerning support material and references in these in the faculty’s Supplementary Regulations, sections 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7.