Course of study

Structure of Bachelor programme in nutrition

Bachelorprogram i human ernæring (krav 180 SP)
Første studieår (krav 60 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
FARM260Molecular Cell Biology102
MEDSTAMedical Statistics52
NOMMedical Nomenclature51
NUTR100Introduction to nutrition101–21
NUTR115Nutritional Biochemistry102
Choose one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
EXPHIL-MOEKSExamen Philosophicum101
EXPHIL-MOSEMExamen Philosophicum101
Valgfrie DIGI-emner: disse er anbefalte, men ikke obligatoriske
Elective course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
DIGI100Digital student - Online course in digital tools, methods and technology to enhance learning01–61
DIGI101Digital Source Criticism01–61
Andre studieår (krav 60 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
NUTR150Food Science104
NUTR203Nutrition physiology macro nutrients103
NUTR204Nutrition physiology micro nutrients104
NUTRANAHuman Anatomy 53
NUTRFYSHuman Physiology153
PSYK140Behaviour, Health and Nutrition104
Tredje studieår (krav 60 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
NUTR230Research Methods in Nutrition105
NUTR244Lifestyle and Lifecycle 155
NUTR248Introduction to medical nutrition theraphy146
NUTR249Clinical placement in the primary healthcare service66
NUTR290Bachelor thesis155–65
Tredje studieår- valgemner
SP = ECTS credits, S = Semester, R = Recommended semester