Course of study

Structure of Computer Security, Bachelor's, 3 years

Bachelor i informatikk: datasikkerhet (krav 180 SP)
Choose one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
EXPHIL-MNEKSExamen Philosophicum101–64
EXPHIL-MNSEMExamen Philosophicum101–64
EXPHIL i 4 semester (krav 10 SP)
Choose minimum one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
EXPHIL-MNEKSExamen Philosophicum104–64
EXPHIL-MNSEMExamen Philosophicum104–64
Spesialisering i datasikkerhet (krav 140 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
INF100Introduction to programming101–61
INF101Advanced programming101–62
INF102Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming101–63
INF113Introduction to operating Systems101–63
INF140Introduction to Cybersecurity101–61
INF142Computer Networks101–62
INF143AApplied Cryptography101–64
INF214Concurrent programming101–65
INF226Software Security101–65
INF249Advanced Cybersecurity101–65
MAT121Linear Algebra101–64
MNF130Discrete Structures101–62
STAT110Basic Course in Statistics101–63
Choose one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
MAT101Elementary Calculus I101–61
MAT111Calculus I101–61
Valgfrie emner (krav 30 SP)
Velg fritt emner som til sammen utgjør 30 studiepoeng
Student exchange
Elective course
Study abroad
Study abroad
SP = ECTS credits, S = Semester, R = Recommended semester