
Study plan for MAMN-PETFY Reservoir Physics, fall 2024

Name of qualification

The master's programme leads to the degree Master of Science in Reservoir and geoenergy. It is a two year programme (120 ECTS credits).


Autumn (main uptake) and spring.

Objectives and content

Reservoir Physics emphasizes multiphase flow in porous media, with special focus on oil, gas and water flowing in porous rocks. In particular the study is aimed at enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Students will obtain information on the state of the art within oil recovery, especially related to EOR on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Emphasis is on understanding the fundamental principles of oil recovery, but also practical approaches are included. Key words for the curriculum are: Core analysis, capillary pressure, relative permeability and wettability. Also real time data processing and natural gas hydrates are parts of the topics in this study.

Required Learning Outcomes

A candidate with a masterĀ“s degree in Reservoir Physics will have deep, research-based knowledge in that research field, and extensive experience and understanding of petroleum technology research in general. The candidate is experienced in the independent performance of a research task, which includes the following subtasks:

  • Acquiring knowledge about a research topic form the scientific literature
  • Formulating a hypothesis that can be proved or disproved
  • Making a critical evaluation of the existing knowledge in the field and identify areas that need new knowledge or understanding
  • Evaluating methods and choosing a methodology that could lead to the required knowledge
  • Completing the research task
  • Interpreting the results in light of the initial hypothesis
  • Presenting the work orally and in writing using the established formats of scientific publication

The candidate will have extensive knowledge which qualifies for continuing independent work in the industry and further research specialization.

Admission Requirements

In order to apply for the Master Programme in reservoir physics you need a bachelor degree in petroleum and process technology or the like. The degree needs to fulfill specific admission requirements.

Bachelor degrees from UiB that qualify:

  • Bachelor degree in petroleum and process technology
  • Bachelor degree in physics (courses MAT212, GEOV261 and PTEK211 must be included)
  • Bachelor degree in mathematics (courses MAT212, GEOV261 and PTEK211 must be included)
  • Bachelor degree from the faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with topics covering the admission and grading requirements (the courses do not need to be part of the degree)

Bachelor degrees that qualify

  • Norwegian bachelor degrees in petroleum technology (UiS) and oil and gas technology (NTNU), or equivalent bachelor degrees where courses similar to MAT212, GEOV260 and PTEK211 are included.
  • Norwegian bachelor degrees in energy where courses similar to MAT212, GEOV261 and PTEK211 are included.

Other bachelor degrees can qualify if you can document 80-100 ECTS in petroleum technology or equivalent.

You also need to document:

Master thesis credits

In consultation with your academic supervisor, you will choose a master's thesis (60 ECTS credits) and produce a progress plan containing important milestones for your project. The master's thesis can have a theoretical (modelling and simulation) or an experimental character, but often be a combination of the two. External partners (industry, research institutions) are also often involved.

Sequential Requirements, courses

A master's programme in Reservoir and geoenergy - Reservoir Physics consists of an individual research project (master's thesis) of 60 ECTS credits, and courses or special topics of 60 ECTS credits. Some of the courses are compulsory, while the other courses will be chosen in agreement with the academic supervisor.

Teaching and learning methods

In preparing your master's thesis you will independently use methods and scientific working techniques from the subject field to research a relevant topic. In some cases, analyses of observation data and data from models are very important in addition to theoretical and experimental studies.


Many of the candidates are employed as a reservoir engineer / production engineer / scientist in an oil company or service company. There is also a demand for our candidates in state governance bodies. A master degree can in addition qualify you for a doctoral program.

Contact information

Department of Physics and Technology: http://www.uib.no/ift/en

Reservoir Physics group: https://www.uib.no/rg/ptech/research/reservoir-physics

Email to the Study Section: studieveileder.ppt(at)ift.uib