
Study plan for MAMN-FYROM Space physics, fall 2024

Name of qualification

The master's programme leads to the degree Master of Science in Physics - Space physics. It is a two year study programme (120 ECTS).



Required Learning Outcomes

After a completed Master's degree in Space Physics the candidate should have:


  • convey facts and discuss basic theories about physical processes at the Sun, in the solar wind, in the magnetosphere and in the ionosphere
  • explain how the Northern Lights occur and how space weather can disturb technological systems
  • explain selected experimental methods and measurements techniques in space physics
  • show that one has advanced knowledge in space physics at a good level, and specialized insight in a smaller area connected to the Master degree project


  • carry out an independent, limited research project under supervision, but with a large degree of independence and own initiative, and in coherence with good ethical conduct
  • manage and present scientific data, discuss precision and accuracy and use programming tools to analyse and process data
  • analyse problems in space physics and discuss ways to explore these with the aid of theory and experimental methods
  • orient oneself in the scientific community and collect, analyse and utilize necessary knowledge and tools needed to carry out a research project
  • analyse and critically evaluate scientific sources of information and apply these to structure and formulate reasoning and new ideas within space physics
  • analyse, interpret and discuss own results in a scientifically sound and critical way, and in light of data and theories within his/her own field

General knowledge

  • be able to analyse scientific problems in general and participate in discussion about different ways to address and solve problems
  • give good written and oral presentation of scientific topics and results
  • communicate scientific problems, analyses and conclusions within space physics, both to specialists and the general public
  • be able to reflect over central scientific problems in his/her own work and other people¿s work
  • demonstrate understanding and respect for scientific values like openness, precision and reliability

Admission Requirements

In order to apply for the Master Programme in Physics, Space Physics, you need a bachelor degree in Physics or related fields.

Bachelor degrees from UiB that qualify:

  • Bachelor degree in Physics

Bachelor degrees that qualify

  • Bachelor degree in Physics
  • Other bachelor degrees can qualify if you can document courses in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equation, Function of Several Variables, Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Basic Measurement Science and Experimental Physics, Modern Physics, Project in Physics

You also need to document: