

If you want to complete a part of or the whole programme as a part time student (at minimum 50%), you must apply to the department for changes to your academic progress, using the applicable form. Please see Routines for the master's degree programme.

Language of Instruction

The German courses will be taught in German. For all other courses check the specific course plan.



Objectives and content

The master's programme in German will provide a thorough knowledge of German language and literature. The programme may also involve didactics. There is also a large focus on increasing students' competence in the usage of modern German, both through a separate module in practical German and through working with varied written and oral assignments in connection with the curriculum in all courses. During the programme, the students will develop their ability to critically reflect on central theoretical and methodical problems within the part of the subject they specialise in. This is especially important in relation to the MA thesis.

Required Learning Outcomes


The candidate

  • has a broad general knowledge of the main theories, terminology, and methods within German as a scientific discipline
  • has basic knowledge about the central problems and methods in his/her chosen discipline and in-depth knowledge of a specific area
  • has knowledge of, and is able to use, relevant genres of communication


The candidate

  • can develop and present a project in German (written and orally)
  • can reflect over structural differences between German and other languages, and utilise them when using oral and written German
  • can use precise linguistic and literary terminology when discussing textual types and hypotheses related to his/her own research
  • can express him/herself precisely about academic issues, analysis, interpretations and conclusions related to their own discipline
  • can work independently and long term with problem solving based on acquired academic knowledge
  • can understand and critically assess theories, methods and interpretations related to their own discipline
  • is able to attain and make use of knowledge related to new areas within the academic field


The candidate

  • can find relevant sources and bibliographies both online and in encyclopaedias, and use these critically in his/her own work
  • is able to carry out a limited research or development project under supervision and in line with current ethical norms
  • is able to use the methods and analytical tools necessary to complete an independent research project within his/her chosen area
  • is able to independently continue developing competence and specialisation
  • is able to participate in public debate where it is relevant to the academic field

Admission Requirements

In order to apply for the Master's Programme in German you need a bachelor's degree in German or equivalent. You must hold a minimum of 80 ECTS in relevant courses such as German linguistics and German-language literature, or equivalent.

Bachelor degrees from UiB that qualify:

  • Bachelor degree in German

Bachelor degrees that qualify

  • Other bachelor degrees can qualify if you can document minimum 80 ECTS in German linguistics and German-language literature or equivalent

You also need to document:

  • Average grade of minimum C (equivalent to Norwegian grade C)
  • Other language requirements: Proficency in English: Please note that admission to the Master's Programme in German requires lower test results in English than the general requirements for UiB. The language requirements for the Master's Programme in German are:

- IELTS academic - International English Langauge Testing System: Minimum score of 6.0 in each of the bands: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking

- TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, internet-based test (iBT): Minimum total score: 80

- PTE Academic - Pearson Test of English Academic. Minimum overall score: 53

Compulsory units

Modules TYS307, TYS311, TYS308, TYS309 or TSAK 319 and TYS350

Sequential Requirements, courses

The master¿s programme in German is a full-time programme over four semesters. It consists of a course part of 60 credits and a thesis part of 60 credits. The course part includes the modules TYS307 and TYS309 or TSAK319 (in the first semester) and the course TYS311 and TYS308 (in the second semester).

A master's programme in German can look like this:

1st semester:

TYS307 German language and literature

TYSAK319 Master's course in German linguistics


TYS309 Master's course in German-language literature

2nd semester:

TYS311 Modern German language and literature

TYS308 Literature, interpretation and translation

3rd and 4th semesters:

Master's thesis

The master's thesis is a piece of scientific work in the field of language, literature or didactics. The assignment should show that you are well-informed in the research area that you have chosen and are able to process an issue in a scientific manner. You should orientate yourself with a topic as early as possible in the programme. You will receive guidance during the work with the thesis, and you will normally sign a guidance contract at the beginning of the second semester. The thesis must be written in German and be between 70 and 110 pages.

Study period abroad

Students can take up to two Master's courses in the first year at a foreign higher education institution, and have these approved as a part of the MA Degree.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, seminars, individual supervision

Assessment methods

An exam concludes each course. The different exam models are explained under each course description.

An oral exam where the Master's thesis is discussed is scheduled at the end of the Master's programme.

Grading scale

When grading the courses in the programme, two grading scales might be used:

1) A-F, where F is a fail

2) Passed/not passed

See the course descriptions of the specific courses.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

Diplomas are printed out after the programme is completed.

Access to further studies

A master's in German can provide the required skills for a PhD study.

Students planning on taking Postgraduage Certificate in Education (PGCE / PPU) need to make sure that they meet the entry requriements for PPU. Please visit this web site for more information: www.uib.no/studieprogram/PRAPED


The master's programme in German qualifies students for work both in the public and private sectors, where knowledge of language, literature and culture is important. Together with Postgraduage Certificate in Education is also qualifies students for teaching.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, structure and quality of the study programme.

Administrative responsibility

The Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Humanities has the administrative responsibility for the study programme.

Contact information
