Faculty of Social Sciences

The Programme Board for the PhD Programme

The Programme Board is an advisory body and prepares cases in connection with issues concerning the PhD programme

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The Programme Board for the PhD Programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences (PP-SV) has been established by the Faculty to ensure that the Faculty’s PhD programmes are organised and conducted with high quality. PP-SV is an advisory body and prepares cases in connection with issues concerning the PhD programme. In addition, it is authorised to adopt academic changes to the programme, as long as these are in compliance with the University of Bergen’s and the Faculty’s regulations and established budget limits. PP-SV can propose changes and updates to the PhD programme, including new measures for quality development, changes to the training component, changes to the Programme Description, and changes to the resource framework. In connection with these kinds of proposals, PP-SV shall help prepare the necessary case documents for matters to be decided by the Faculty Board.

The Programme Board shall:

  • ensure that PhD education is conducted in accordance with the relevant programme description, the PhD Regulation and strategy for PhD education at the University of Bergen
  • follow developments in PhD education nationally and internationally within the Faculty’s various disciplines
  • ensure that the teaching, academic supervision and number of candidates are of a scope that ensures good progress for candidates on the PhD programme
  • ensure good academic coordination, continuous quality development and renewal of the PhD programme
  • work to promote the international exchange of PhD candidates and supervisors, and propose measures that ensure such internationalisation
  • be responsible for coordinating the training offered and approving new courses in the PhD education
  • deal with cases and issues referred to PP-SV by the Dean or Vice-Dean
  • prepare an annual report on PP-SV’s work in the past year and plans for the next year. The report will be included in the Faculty’s Annual Report on PhD Education


The Programme Board for PhD Education shall have the following composition:

  • Chair
  • 1 head of department
  • 2 academic employees responsible for the PhD education at the department
  • 1 academic employee 
  • 2 PhD candidates
  • 1 administrative employee responsible for the PhD education
  • 1–2 students (observers)

The members are appointed by the Faculty Board. The Faculty Board shall strive to ensure that a good balance of the academic groups are represented on the programme board. The term of office for the programme board is 2 – two– years. The PhD candidates and students are appointed for 1 – one – year at a time.


The secretary function is organised under the Faculty. Together with the chair, the secretary shall prepare and present matters to PP-SV. The secretary is in charge of convening meetings and sending out the necessary case documents.