Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities
Research project

FIGO - Go Figure: Visualizing Climate Change

With support from the Research Council of Norway, SVT established a network that will contribute to a broader knowledge base for meeting challenges related to climate change with a basis in visualization of these challenges.

paining winter landscape with bird trap_Pieter_brueghel
Winter landscape with bird trap. Pieter Brueghel

Main content

Images of climate change has received comparatively little attention in the overall effort to develop a knowledge base for robust policy decisions.

Go Figure: Visualizing Climate Change (FIGO) contributes to a broader knowledge base for meeting challenges related to climate change and accomanying environmental changes by focusing on the roles of images in climate research, in climate communication, as well as in climate change policy.

By climate images we mean visualizations of scientific data (measurements), illustrations of scientific knowledge, and disseminations and reinterpretations of these in science communication broadly understood, such as illustrations of climate change-related effects in the environment, scenarios for mitigation, adaptation, and political activism.

The network, which consists of more than 20 researchers from a wide variety of fields, provides a meeting place for the nascent field if climate image studies, and will serve as a platform from wich a comprehensive research project on climate images can be launched. The main activities of the project was a workshop in 2015 and a conference in 2016.