Completed projects
Below is an overview of completed projects SVT has led or participated in.
Main content
Under, you'll find an overview of completed projects the SVT led or participated in from 2006 and onwards.
In the overview, you'll find the projects sorted under funding source, with info about project leader at the SVT, the project's acronym/short name and short name of theme/call. Click on the project to read more.
European framework programme Horizon 2020 (H2020)
Horizon 2020 was EU's framework programme for research and innovation from 2014 to 2020. SVT was coordinator of/partner in projects under the pillars Societal challenges and Industrial leadership, as well as the cross-cutting programme Science with and for Society (SwafS), which had as its object to build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility.
SVT also had three Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) researchers under H2020. MSCA encourages transnational, intersectoral and interdiscplinary mobility.
Projects funded under Horizon 2020:
Scott Bremer | CALENDARS | ERC Starting Grant
Project: Co-production of Seasonal Representations for Adaptive Institutions
Project manager: Scott Bremer
Project duration: 2019-2024
Kjetil Rommetveit and Roger Strand | SUPER_MoRRI | SwafS-2018-1
Project: Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI
Project manager at SVT: Kjetil Rommetveit and Roger Strand
Project duration: 2019-2023
Roger Strand | TRANSFORM | SwafS-2019-1
Project: TRANSFORM: Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of S3 through new Forms of Open and Responsible decision-Making
Project manager at SVT: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2020-2022
Jeroen van der Sluijs | RECIPES | SwafS-2018-1
Project: REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders
Project manager at SVT: Jeroen van der Sluijs
Project duration: 2019-2022
Simon Meisch | CANALS | MSCA European Fellowship
Project: Changing Water Cultures (CANALS)
Project manager at SVT:Simon Meisch
Project duration: 2021-2023
Arnald Puy Maeso | SIZE | MSCA Global Fellowship
Project: The role of size in the sustainability of irrigation systems (SIZE)
Project manager: Arnald Puy Maeso
Project duration: 2019-2022
Roger Strand | MAGIC | Societal challenges
Project: MAGIC – Moving Towards Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing Nexus Society
Project manager at UiB: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2016 – 2020
Mimi E. Lam | eSEAS | MSCA-IF
Project: eSEAS – Enhancing Seafood Ethics and Sustainability: A Values and Ecosystem-based Management Approach
Project manager at UiB: Mimi E. Lam
Project duration: 2017 – 2019
Matthias Kaiser | ENERI | SwafS
Project: ENERI – European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity
Project manager at UiB: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2016 – 2019
Roger Strand | HEIRRI | SwafS
Project: HEIRRI – Higher Education Institutions & Responsible Research and Innovation
Project manager at UiB: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2015 – 2018
Kjetil Rommetveit | CANDID | Industrial leadership
Project: CANDID – Checking Assumptions aND promoting responsibility In smart Development projects
Project manager: Kjetil Rommetveit
Project duration: 2017 – 2017
European framework programme – Seventh framework programme (FP7)
FP7 was EU's framework programme for research and innovation from 2007 to 2013. SVT was coordinator of/partner in projects under the programmes Capacities: Science in Society (SIS) and Cooperation: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnoloy (KBBE)
Projects funded under FP7:
Matthias Kaiser | SYN-ENERGENE | SIS
Project: SYN-ENERGENE – Synthetic biology – Engaging with New and Emerging Science and Technology in Responsible Governance of the Science and Society Relationship
Project manager at UiB: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2013 – 2017
Kjetil Rommetveit and Roger Strand | EPINET | SIS
Project: EPINET – Integrated Assessment of Societal Impacts of Emerging Science and Technology from within Epistemic Networks
Project managers: Kjetil Rommetveit and Roger Strand
Project duration: 2012-2015
Matthias Kaiser | SEAT | KBBE
Project: SEAT - Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade
Project manager at UiB: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2009-2013
Matthias Kaiser | PEGASUS | KBBE
Project: PEGASUS – Public Perception of Genetically modified Animals – Science, Utility and Society
Project manager at UiB: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2009-2021
Kjetil Rommetveit and Roger Strand | TECHNOLIFE | SIS
Project: TECHNOLIFE – a Transdisciplinary approach to the Emerging Challenges of Novel technologies: Lifeworld and Imaginaries in Foresight and Ethics
Project managers: Kjetil Rommetveit and Roger Strand
Project duration: 2009-2011
Matthias Kaiser | VALUE ISOBARS | SIS
Project: VALUE ISOBARS – The Landscape and Isobars of European Values in Relation to Science and New Technology
Project manager: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2009-2011
Roger Strand | NANOPLAT | SIS
Project: NANOPLAT – Development of a Platform for Deliberative Processes on Nanotechnology in the European Consumer Market
Project manager: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2008-2009
Research Council of Norway (RCN)
The Research Council of Norway works to promote research and innovation of high quality and relevance and to generate knowledge in priority areas to enable Norway to deal with key challenges to society and the business sector.
Projects funded by the RCN:
Jeroen van der Sluijs | BeeCaution | FORSTERK
Project: Bees pesticides and precaution: building an epistemic network in Norway
Project manager at SVT: Jeroen van der Sluijs
Project duration: 2020-2023
Roger Strand | Res Publica | BIOTEK2021
Project: Res Publica: Responsibility, practice and the public good across Digital Life
Project manager at SVT: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2017-2022
Jeroen van der Sluijs | KQA-SMD | AURORA
Project: KQA-SMD - Knowledge quality assessment as a sense-making device: an enquiry into uncertainties, agency and climate change
Project manager: Jeroen van der Sluijs
Project duration: 2020–2021
Matthias Kaiser | TRACKS | Researcher project - KLIMAFORSK
Project: Transforming Climate Knowledge with and for Society: mobilising knowledge on climate variability with communities in northeast Bangladesh
Project manager: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2014-2018
Roger Strand | Aquafly | Researcher project – HAVBRUK2
Project: Aquafly – Insects as natural feed ingredients for sustainable salmon farming
Project manager at the SVT: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2014-2018
Jeroen van der Sluijs | Salmosterile | Researcher project – BIOTEK2021
Project: Salmosterile – Sterile salmon by targeting factors involved in germ cell survival: novel vaccination strategies for sustainable fish farming
Project manager at the SVT: Jeroen van der Sluijs
Project duration: 2013–2018
Kjetil Rommetveit | DESFREE | SAMKUL
Project: DESFREE– Designing freedom? Bringing fundamental rights and freedoms into electricity grids and disaster management through ICTs
Project manager: Kjetil Rommetveit
Project duration: 2016– 2017
Ana Delgado | ReDig | Researcher project – BIOTEK2021
Project: ReDig – Responsibility as an Integral Component of Digital Research Practices in Bio-and Nanotechnology
Project manager: Ana Delgado
Project duration: 2016– 2017 (the project was moved to the University of Oslo in June 2017)
Rasmus Slaattelid | FIGO | SAMKUL
Project: FIGO - Go Figure: Visualizing Climate Change
Project manager: Rasmus Slaattelid
Project duration: 2015-2018
Jeroen van der Sluijs | UC4A | SAMKUL
Project: UC4A - Understanding Cultural Conditions ofor Climate Change Adaptation
Project manager: Jeroen van der Sluijs
Project duration: 2015–2016
Roger Strand | NorZymeD | Researcher project – HAVBRUK2
Project: NorZymeD – Enzyme development for Norwegian biomass – mining Norwegian biodiversity for seizing Norwegian opportunities in the bio-based economy
Project manager at the SVT: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2012-2019
Rasmus Slaattelid | HUMPOL | SAMKUL
Project: HUMPOL - Humanvitskap for politikkutforming
Project manager: Rasmus Slaattelid
Project duration: 2012–2013
Roger Strand | Reflexive Systems Biology | Researcher project – FUGE
Project: Reflexive Systems Biology: towards an Appreciation of Biological, Scientific and Ethical Complexity
Project manager: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2009-2014
Roger Strand | Interdisciplinary Studies of Ethical and Societal Implications of Nanotechnology | Researcher project – NANOMAT
Project: Interdisciplinary Studies of Ethical and Societal Implications of Nanotechnology
Project manager: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2006-2009
Co-financed projects & projects with other funding sources
SVT has also been involved in co-funded projects and received funding from other funding sources:
- SeMPER-Arctic was financed by The Belmont Forum, a partnership of funding organizations, international science councils, and regional consortia committed to the advancement of transdisciplinary science. Research councils in France, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the Netherlands funded the project.
- UNESCO Global Independent Expert Group was funded by UiB and UNESCO.
- Co-cli-serv was co-funded by the ERANET consortium ERA4CS (European Research Area for Climate Services), where among others the Research Council of Norway is one of the funders.
- PARENT was co-funded by ERANET Cofund under H2020 and the Research Council of Norway.
- RINO was a collaboration between UiB, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) & The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees (FEK).
- Mainstreaming Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Auditing was funded by the Peder Sather Centre.
- Citizenship in Modern Societies was covered by own funding.
- HISTERA was funded by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (via the now discontinued Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC).
More about the projects:
Anne Blanchard | SeMPER-Arctic | The Belmont Forum: Arctic2019 - Science for Sustainability
Project: SeMPER-Arctic: Sense Making, Place attachment, and Extended Networks as sources of Resilience in the Arctic
Project manager at UiB: Anne Blanchard
Project duration: 2020-2024
Thomas Völker | UNESCO Global Independent Expert Group | UiB and UNESCO
Project: UNESCO Global Independent Expert Group
Scientific coordinator at SVT: Thomas Völker
Project duration: 2020-2022
Jeroen van der Sluijs | Co-cli-serv | ERA4CS
Project: Co-cli-serv: Co-development of place-based climate services for action
Project manager at the SVT: Jeroen van der Sluijs
Project duration: 2017-2021
Kjetil Rommetveit | PARENT | ENSCC/IKTPLUSS
Project: PARENT - PARticipatory platform for sustainable Energy managemeNT
Project manager: Kjetil Rommetveit
Project duration: 2016– 2019
Matthias Kaiser | RINO | UiB, HVL and FEK
Project: RINO - Research Integrity in Norway
Project manager at UiB: Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2016-2018
Jeroen van der Sluijs and Andrea Saltelli| Mainstreaming Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Auditing | Peder Sather Centre
Project: Mainstreaming Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Auditing
Project managers: Jeroen van der Sluijs and Andrea Saltelli
Project duration: 2017-2018
Gunnar Skirbekk and Matthias Kaiser | Citizenship in Modern Socities (CIMS) | Own funding
Project: Citizenship in Modern Societies (CIMS)
Project managers: Gunnar Skirbekk and Matthias Kaiser
Project duration: 2014-2018
Roger Strand | HISTERA| EC-JRC - IPSC
Project: HISTERA – What can history teach us about the prospects of a European Research Area?
Project manager: Roger Strand
Project duration: 2011-2014