Understanding Cultural Conditions for Climate Change Adaptation
SVT organized the SAMKUL funded network Understanding Cultural Conditions for Climate Change Adaption (UC4A)

Main content
The SAMKUL work program highlights the key importance of increased understanding and explanation of the cultural conditions and prerequisites underlying societal development, in order to increase society’s capacity to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
Over the coming decades, societies will face major changes in dealing with the various impacts of climate change. In order to enable timely anticipatory and proactive adaptation, society needs to learn to utilize unavoidably imperfect knowledge from climate science on the deeply uncertain future changes in key climate variables (precipitation patterns, heat wave frequencies, extreme weather events etc.).
Currently, adaptation in sectors such as the urban environment and the sea food production sector is hindered by dominant institutional cultures active at the interface between science and policy/society. To remedy this problem, UC4A aims to bring together an extended peer community to design projects to critically look at this institutional culture as it relates to the challenges of climate change adaptation.
Facing these challenges SVT will organize several workshops aiming to build a strong international consortium and researcher network.
UC4A Goals
(a) assemble an 'extended peer community' of international researchers and practitioners; to
(b) design a consolidated and agreed upon project consortium with two proposals for larger funding, one in EU Horizon2020 societal challenge 7 and one in the NFR KLIMAFORSK program, relative to
(c) critical research on the institutional culture associated with the science-policy/science-society interface, specific to
(d) adaptation and long term planning challenges for climate change in various sector, such as urban environment and sea food production.
A presentation of UC4A is attached at the bottom of this webpage
International workshop 18 /19 April 2016, hosted at the industrial cultural heritage site De WAR / Cooperative University of Amersfoort. 20 participants from 7 countries joined, including Norway, Germany, Netherlands, UK, France, India and Italy.
On 30 June a ERA4CS proposal was submitted, with the title: "Co-development of place-based climate services for action (Co-Cli-Serv)"
Two presentations at the 4th Nordic Climate Change Adaptation, 29-31 Aug 2016, in Bergen, Norway:
- A RCN Samkul Network side event/meeting with the title "Understanding cultural conditions of climate change adaptation"
- Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs held a presentation with the title: "Climate adaptation decision making in uncertain environments the need for new ways of interfacing science and governance".
On 7 and 8 May 2015 UC4A had its successful kick off meeting in Bergen with all core partners attending.
In August 2015 the extended UC4A consortium submitted its major 7 M Euro Horizon 2020 proposal ResCUE (Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Uncertain Environments), with 10 partners from 7 countries, coordinated by UiB SVT.