Can pulmonary disease be prevented in the dentist's chair?
PhD-candidate Anders Røsland presented the topic "Can pulmonary disease be prevented in the dentist's chair?" at The National Convention for the Norwegian Dental Association. At the Department of Clinical Dentistry, University of Bergen, a clinical study is in progress investigating whether treatment of periodontitis affects lung function and lung inflammation.

Main content
Our hypothesis is based on the fact that bacteria and inflammatory mediators associated with periodontitis is transferred to the respiratory tract and can affect lung function. The bacteria can either be directly inhaled or indirectly transported from periodontal pockets to the lungs via the bloodstream. In the study we are testing whether periodontal treatment can improve lung function in a tobacco-free person (no former smokers) and a generally healthy population in the 25-45 age group. In the lecture, the background to the study and preliminary results were reviewed.