Hau Trung Dang successfully defended his thesis
On Friday 01/09, CSD team member Hau Trung Dang successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Simulation of fracture slip and propagation in hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoirs".

Left to right: Jarle Berntsen, Eirik Keilegavlen, Hadi Hajibeygi (Delft University of Technology), Hau Trung Dang, Adriana Paluszny Rodriguez (Imperial College London), Inga Berre, Kundan Kumar
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Updated: 10.07.2024 (First published: 15.09.2023)
Congratulations to Hau on a successful dissertation defense. The thesis, titled Simulation of fracture slip and propagation in hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoirs, can be found at Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA):