Student field trip 2024
From 8th to 13th of January, members of CSD/PMG traveled to Oslo, Zaragoza and Barcelona to participate in joint workshops with SIMULA Oslo, University of Zaragoza and Polytechnic university of Catalonia.

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This January, four MSc students and seven PhD candidates from the Porous Media Group at UiB visited three research groups we have long-lasting collaborations and friendships with. The study tour began with a trip to Oslo, where we engaged in a workshop at the Simula Research Center. The focal point of the day was the presentation of research by PhD students from both Simula and the PMG. The Simula group has a special interest in simulating blood flow in the brain, while our presentations focused on theoretical and practical aspects of subsurface simulations. In the evening, we joined our friends at Simula for a session in the sauna and a swim in the freezing fjord.
Our itinerary then led us to Zaragoza, Spain, where we visited the Institute of Mathematics and Applications (IUMA). The primary agenda involved the presentation of research findings by our PhD students and researchers at IUMA who presented discretization methods and numerical Solvers. The day concluded with a dinner with the IUMA group where we got to experience delicious cuisine of northern Spain.
The final leg of our trip took us to Barcelona, where we collaborated with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The day was dedicated to a workshop, with special focus on the hydrology research conducted at UPC, promoting a substantial exchange of ideas. Some members took the opportunity to explore the iconic La Sagrada Familia.
The study tour was made possible thanks to funding from Akademiavtalen as well as the individual projects of the PhD candidates, MaPSI, Vista CSD, and CSSR.