
Exploring the depths: knowns, unknowns, and way forward in deep-sea research

Vi ønsker alle interesserte velkommen til dette arrangementet som vil vise noe av bredden i dyphavsforskning ved UiB og i Bergen. Det vil være et hybrid arrangement med mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt. Vi ber om forhåndspåmelding.


What do we know about the deep-sea? Scientists estimate that two thirds of around one million ocean species are yet to be discovered, while only a quarter of the seabed floor has been mapped. These numbers are even lower in the deep-sea, a region of dark abyssal plains, hydrothermal vents, fascinating creatures, and hydrostatic pressures exceeding 500 times those at sea-level. The deep-sea is not only a place of wonder and exploration for marine scientists, but also an area of interests for nation states and commercial actors. In this hybrid all-day event, we explore some of the cutting-edge deep-sea research that is being done at the University of Bergen, including projects on deep-sea biology, the geology of mid-oceanic ridges, deep-sea mining, or ocean science diplomacy. During the panel sessions, we discuss pressing questions on knowledge-creation and knowledge use, reflecting on the societal impact and relevance of deep-sea research. Join the conversation!

Arrangementet vil være på engelsk.