Analyses, ethics and reflexivity in Qualitative Research
The aim of the course is to deepen the candidates’ knowledge of and reflection about qualitative analysis and their own position in and description of the analytical process.

As research literature on the collection of qualitative research material for educational research is extensive, the literature on various forms of qualitative analysis is far more scarce and scattered. The seminar will therefore focus on the process of qualitative analysis as well as how to explicitly describe and discuss this process in the PhD-thesis. The course will take the participants own projects as a point of departure and pay specific attention to the development of categories, ethical challenges and issues concerning reflexivity in the analytical process.
Learning outcomes:
On completion of this course, the PhD-candidates should have the following learning outcomes:
Have the knowledge of significant elements and challenges of qualitative analysis.
Be able to explicitly discuss their own position in the analytical process and the possible consequences for interpretation of the material.
Be able to describe their own analytical procedures and reflect on these in the methods section in the thesis and in articles
Critically evaluate ethical challenges and issues concerning re-flexivity in the analytical process.
The participant will have the ability to
Communicate and discuss different qualitative approaches and their respective advantages and uses
Maximum number of participants: 20