Offshore Wind Seminar - March 2020
The seminar gives you an introduction to selected topics related to energy production from offshore wind energy. Primary aim group for the seminar are master and PhD students.

The lecturing part of the seminar will take place in the period 4 - 26 March.
There will be one double lecture Monday through Thursday, altogether approximately 20 lectures.
The lectures will take place in Foredragsalen at Geophysical Institute at 16:15 – 18:00 Monday through Thursday
Lecturers will be profs Joachim Reuder and Finn Gunnar Nielsen, Adj. Associate prof. Bjørn Maronga, and post doc. Thomas Hansen
The topics to be covered include:
- Offshore wind conditions and the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL)
- LES simulation of the MABL with a wind turbine.
- Extracting energy from the wind. Key principles and computational methods.
- Design of wind turbine rotor.
- Ocean waves and wave loads on offshore structures.
- Dynamics of wind turbine support structures, the response of fixed and floating turbines due to wind and wave loads.
- Examples on offshore wind turbines. Key challenges.
- Wind farm issues, interaction between turbines, wake effects.
The seminar will consist of:
- Approx. 20 hours of lectures.
- Hands-on exercises in use of LES simulations and design of wind turbine rotor and reporting results
- Study of relevant articles and presenting a summary for the group.
Successful finalization of all three components will be mandatory for receiving 5 ECTS credits for the seminar. However, following the lectures only is an option.
Registrate for the seminar by using this form, no later than February 21st.
Please indicate if you will attend the lectures only or if you would like to receive the ECTS credits and thus complete all three components.
Tentative schedule offshore wind seminar 2020:
04.03 Marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) Joachim Reuder
05.03 Marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) Joachim Reuder
09.03 Wind turbine simulations using LES Bjørn Maronga
10.03 Wind turbine simulations using LES Bjørn Maronga
11.03 Exercise using PALM (LES). Time and place TBA Bjørn Maronga
12.03 Basic momentum and airfoil theory Thomas Hansen
16.03 Modelling a rotor, BEM technique, Xfoil, QBladed Thomas Hansen
17.03 Exercise using Xfoil and Qbladed. Time and place TBA Thomas Hansen
23.03 Ocean waves and wave loads Finn Gunnar Nielsen
24.03 Support structures and Dynamics Finn Gunnar Nielsen
25.03 Support structures and Dynamics Finn Gunnar Nielsen
26.03 Wakes and wind farms TBA