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For ansatte ved GFI
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Gjesteforskere til Geofysisk institutt
Are you planning to invite a guest researcher?
Inviting and hosting guest researchers is a natural and welcomed part of our academic work. It is, however, crucial to act according to our routines and procedures when planning to invite a guest, and visitors will need to be approved by the department leadership.
In due time, please fill in this application form.
When the application is registered, it will start an approval process and activate the administrative staff involved in the tasks related to the visit.
Kjøpe varer og tjenester
- Kjøp av varer og tjenester - alle innkjøp må gjøres via UiBs system for bestilling. Her er våre bestillere:
Rekvisita, hotell, mat/drikke Elin Anne Rød IT-/datautstyr Idar Hessevik Vit. utstyr, fysisk oseanografi Helge Bryhni Vit. utstyr, kjemisk oseanografi Kristin Jackson Vit. utstyr, meteorologi Anak Bhandari Vit.utstyr Tor de Lange
Skal du sende brev eller pakker fra Geofysisk institutt?
Internpost - bruk brun konvolutt for internpost og legg i boksen merket "Utgående".
Brev og pakker som skal frankeres - legg i konvolutt og før på mottaker og legg i boksen merket "Til frankering".
Publisere artikler
Management of publication costs at GFI
When you got a manuscript accepted for publication and you know that publication costs will occur.
Please follow these routines:
- Inform GFI administration at post@gfi.uib.no that there will be an invoice connected to a publication and please provide the following information:
- Name of the journal/the publisher
- Name and email of the corresponding author (if this is not you)
- Title of the publication
- Estimated costs
2) Inform GFI administration how the publication costs will be covered:
- Article Processing Charge (APC) for open access publications are covered by the UiB library. To obtain these funds you have to send a formal application to https://www.uib.no/en/ub/79537/publication-fund-open-access-university-bergen. Please inform GFI administration as soon as you got these funds granted (happens usually within a few days).
- Publication costs may be covered by your research project. Please check eligibility with your project economist. If publication costs are eligible to be covered by your project, please inform GFI administration about the name and PA number of your project.
- If none of these funds are available for your publication, or if these only partly cover the publication costs, you have to discuss with your scientific group leader or with GFI leadership about funding from GFI.
3) GFI administration will now provide you with an order number/PM number for your invoice.
4) Inform the publisher to send the invoice to the following address and to provide the following specifications on the invoice:
- Mark the invoice with: “order number/PM number”
- Address: Universitetet i BergenDFØ FakturamottakPB 4710 Torgarden, 7468 Trondheim
- ap-invoice@uib.no
5) If all this is correctly done, the invoice will be paid by the correct funds and you will not have to worry about this anymore.
Arbeidsplassen din
Ta kontakt med Elin om du har behov for endringer på kontorstol og pult.
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NFRs geofagevaluering 2010