- UiB
- NT
- Geophysical Institute
- About the Department
For employees
Introductory guide to the Geophysical Institute. This is a collection of most relevant information from UiB, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Geophysical Institute with links to service and information for GFI employees.
Main content
How to..
Health, Security and Environment
Report HSE non-conformities
Employees and students shall report HSE non-conformities in UiBhelp
Work places and ergonomics
The leadership and the HSE coordinator is mapping offices, hallways, teaching rooms and labs on a regular basis, usually through Noevmber and December. We're focusing on safety and emergency routines as well as the work place. UiB has important information about ergonomics that we recommend all employees to read.
sikresiden.no Sikresiden.no (On the Safe Side) is a webapp. It provides you with user-friendly training and advice on what you should do in emergency situations. Sikresiden.no, provides preventive training and advice on what to do in an emergency. You must always assess yourself what is best to do in a specific situation.
New employee
Welcome as a new employee at UiB and Geophysical Institute. The user account is the lifeline to access of key card, computer, library and many more necessary services. As soon as the user account is set the first day at work, we recommend that you spend some time orienting og this page as well as the many helpful webpages for employees, starting with UiBs introduction to new employees.
PhD fellow?
One of the first days after starting the position you will be invited to a meeting with the PhD coordinator about the admission to the PhD programme.
Business trips
Business trips must be booked through UiBs travel agency. We recommend employees at UiB to apply for the UiB credit card. The card is to be used for work-related travel expenses. The UiB credit card include travel insurance. The University of Bergen has a travel policy that applies to all employees at UiB.
Compensational allowance
Before travelling at the state's expense, employees must obtain travel approval.
Expenses will be covered in accordance with the "Special agreement for domestic travel at the state's expense" or the "Special agreement for international travel at the state's expense. The special agreements are further detailed in the State Personnel Manual (Sph.dep.no).
The special agreements apply to work-related travel. "Work-related travel" means required and/or approved irregular travel on assignment for the employer/client. The special agreements apply to required and/or approved travel that employees undertake to present their own and/or their research group/department's research results.
The special agreements do not generally apply to travel for doctoral work.
For work-related international travel beyond 12 hours, an additional compensation can be granted after approval from the Head of Administration, cf. section 10(2) of the Special agreement about international travel at the state's expense.
No additional compensation is given for participation in courses, seminars and conferences abroad that are not part of work-related travel.
Management of publication costs at GFI
When you got a manuscript accepted for publication and you know that publication costs will occur.
Please follow these routines:
- Inform GFI administration at post@gfi.uib.no that there will be an invoice connected to a publication and please provide the following information:
- Name of the journal/the publisher
- Name and email of the corresponding author (if this is not you)
- Title of the publication
- Estimated costs
2) Inform GFI administration how the publication costs will be covered:
- Article Processing Charge (APC) for open access publications are covered by the UiB library. To obtain these funds you have to send a formal application to https://www.uib.no/en/ub/79537/publication-fund-open-access-university-bergen. Please inform GFI administration as soon as you got these funds granted (happens usually within a few days).
- Publication costs may be covered by your research project. Please check eligibility with your project economist. If publication costs are eligible to be covered by your project, please inform GFI administration about the name and PA number of your project.
- If none of these funds are available for your publication, or if these only partly cover the publication costs, you have to discuss with your scientific group leader or with GFI leadership about funding from GFI.
3) GFI administration will now provide you with an order number/PM number for your
4) Inform the publisher to send the invoice to the following address and to provide the
following specifications on the invoice:
- Mark the invoice with: “order number/PM number”
- Address: Universitetet i Bergen, DFØ Fakturamottak, PB 4710 Torgarden, 7468 Trondheim
- ap-invoice@uib.no
5) If all this is correctly done, the invoice will be paid by the correct funds and you will
not have to worry about his anymore.
Holidays, sick leave, parental leave etc
In accordance with the Holiday Act and the Main tariff agreement, public sector employees are entitled to 5 weeks’ holiday per year. In organisations that have a five day working week, the employees are entitled to 25 days' holiday.
From the year an employee reaches the age of 60, the Holiday Act entitles the person one week extra holiday, meaning six working days.
Practice at UiB:
At UiB, holiday lists must be prepared at least two months prior to the main holiday period. Employees over 60 shall give the employer at least two weeks’ notice prior to taking their extra holiday.
The holiday is registered in the self-service portal prior to being taken by the employee.
Please see the Employee handbook for further information.
Other holidays:
- New Year's Day
- Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday
- 1 May
- 17 May - Norway’s Constitution Day
- Ascension Day
- Whit Sunday and Whit Monday
- Christmas Day and Boxing Day
The above mentioned holidays and public holidays are not considered as holiday days.
Leave incl. parental leave
Parental leave must be applied for well in time. Please contact HR and Head of Administration for guidelines.
The employer handbook har more information about leave.
IT service at UiB
New to teaching? This is a collection of most important information and tools for teaching.
- Autumn term starts mid August (week 34) and Spring term starts mid January (week 3).
- Exams are normally in the weeks 46-50 and 20-24.
- Teaching are scheduled by April 15 for the Autumn term and October 15 for the Spring term. Schedules are not to be changed.
- Courses on 100 and 200 level are of 10 credits, and 300 level 5 or 10 credits.
- A 10 credits course has normally 2 hours of lectures t times per week and 2 hours tutorial per week.
- UiB use the LMS (Learning Platform) Mitt UiB
- All exams are done digital in Inspera
Service and information from UiB:
Employee Pages - English and Norwegian
The English pages are not complete, switch to Norwegian pages if information is lacking
Service Centre for International Mobility
Service centre for UiB employees from abroad. Please feel free to contact SIM if you want information, have a question, need an advice or would like to come and talk about practicalities relating to working at UiB or living in Norway. SIM is here to help you!
Service and information from GFI:
Administration, leadership and comittees
Find out who is in charge
Applying for external funding - support and information
Information flow at GFI is organized through targeted mailing lists
Social activities
There is a number of social events at the Geophysical Institute. The main activities are:
Geosupen is your hub for social activities at the Geophysical Institute. 'Sup' is a sip (of a drink), and is typically used as a synonym for party at the institute. But on this site you will find all kinds of social activities at the Geophysical Institute. Smalahåvesupen is the main sup of the year, arranged by Geosupen.