Trial lecture and defense for Mathew Akkanad Varghese
Mathew Akkanad Varghese is going to present his trial lecture and is to conduct the public defense of his Ph.D. thesis Wednesday 22 May.
Mathew Akkanad Varghese, Master in Social Anthropology, Dept. of social anthropology, will hold his trial lecture for the PhD degree on the following theme:
"The anthropology of exception and the nature of Indian neoliberalism in comparative perspective."
Time: Wednesday 22 May 2013 at 10.15.
Place: Auditorium, Ulrike Pihls Hus, Professor Keysersgate 1
The title of thesis is:
"Spatial Reconfigurations and New Social Formations: The Contemporary Urban Context of Kerala"
Opponents during the defense is:
1. opponent: Associate Professor Rohan Bastin, Department of Anthropology, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
2. opponent: Professor Jonathan Friedman, Department of Anthropology, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
The third member of the committe is:
Associate Professor Kathinka Frøystad, Department of social anthropology, University of Bergen
The defence is led by acting Dean, prof. Leif Ove Larsen
Time: Wednesday 22 May at 13.15
Place: Auditorium, Ulrike Pihls Hus, Professor Keysersgate 1