Virtual Company Creation Challenge
Do you have a business idea but don't know how to take it forward? Sign up for the Virtual Company Creation Challenge workshop and learn how to transform an idea into a concrete business model. Win a trip to Lyon (France) or Granada (Spain)!

The Arqus “Entrepreneurial University and Regional Engagement” Action Line is preparing the 2020 Virtual Company Creation Challenge European Finals.
Each partner university will select its best student team from their local programmes to participate in the common European finals on the 27th of October in Bergen. Given the current sanitary situation, the 2020 finals will take place virtually.
This challenge encourages students who are already involved in entrepreneurship to learn how to implement practical tools and the know-how that they will have learnt through their local programmes on entrepreneurship.
Together with a local mentor, they will work on their project and business model and create a short video pitch that will be presented to a European jury. This jury will be made up of members of Arqus’ regional economic partners in order to show them the variety of ideas available among the students.
Who can participate:
All students at UiB. Participants will be working in interdisciplinary teams based on incoming ideas.
You will be guided through the process of building a business model based on your (or other students´) idea by a professional facilitator and entrepreneur in two workshops. The winning team will compete in the European digital final in November:
- Workshop 1: 22 October, 14-18h, online
- You work in your team in between the workshops
- Workshop 2: 28 October, 14-18h, online or on campus
The winning team from UiB must submit a video pitch by November 4th, the European final will run as an open-to-public-voting during Global Entrepreneurship Week 16-22 November. The winner will be announced November 25.
Any business idea is welcome, however, "green economy" business ideas will be prioritized. For inspiration, check out the European Green Deal.
How to participate:
Limited number of spots, only 20 participants. First come, first serve! You HAVE TO sign up in the registration form to participate – the registration is open until the first workshop and binding.