UiBs Brussel-kontor
Application Guide

10 Step Guide for EU Applications

The University of Bergen (UiB) presents a comprehensive guide for EU applications. Just follow the steps outlined below to get started. (For employees of UiB)




1. Register on the Official Participant Portal as an External User

Get started by registering https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/eim/external/register.cgi on the official participant portal. Authenticate your account and create your password based on the email you receive from ECAS (the European Commission Authentication Service) within 1 hour and 30 minutes from the receipt of the email. Remember to select "External" as your domain, not "European Commission", when logging in.

2. Identify the Topic/Call of Interest

Navigate to the relevant topic/call on the Funding & Tender Portal https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/ and follow these steps:

  • Go to the Submission Service in the left-hand menu, then Start Submission.
  • Enter the UiB PIC Code (Participant Identification Code): 999974456.
  • Indicate your role in the project – main contact.
  • Fill out the Acronym. If not available, you can enter any relevant term.
  • Complete the Short summary. Again, if not available, you can enter any relevant term.
  • Click "Next"; "Accept"; "Continue with this proposal".

3. Complete the "Institutterklæring" (Statement of Participation)

Inform your institute leader about your intended participation by obtaining his/her signature for the 'Statement of Participation’ (EN/NO). This document should be sent in a scanned or electronically signed form to Liv-Grethe.Gudmundsen@uib.no

Remember to CC:

  • The head of your department,
  • The department administrator/the financial officer at your Department,
  • The EU advisor at your Faculty/Dept.

Submitting the 'Statement of Participation' ensures that both your leadership and administrative UiB support staff are informed about the proposal, and the budgetary consequences are known and accepted by your Department.

4. Grant Access to UiB LEAR, Liv-Grethe Gudmundsen

Add Liv-Grethe Gudmundsen from the Division of Research and Innovation (FIA) as a Contact Person with full access rights: Coordinator Contact (full access); for partner projects, this will be Contact person (participant contact, full access); for ERC: Main Host Contact. Please use the email [post@fa.uib.no] as the contact address for Liv-Grethe Gudmundsen. 

For coordinator projects, ensure you contact Liv-Grethe Gudmundsen as soon as possible.

5. Grant Access to Other Relevant Parties

Only grant full access if it is absolutely necessary. By default, please provide access as a Team member with read-only access. Then click "Next".

6. Complete Administrative Forms

Once FIA has received the “Institutterklæring/Statement” and Liv-Grethe Gudmundsen has been given access, she will fill in the administrative and institutional forms. 

7. Download All Templates

Navigate to Part B and Annexes to download the templates. These will be essential for your proposal preparations.

8. Apply for Project Establishment Support (PES) on Time

Find support amounts and follow the guidance to project establishment support (travelling, “frikjøp” etc.) at the PES information page https://www.uib.no/boa/97622/prosjektetableringsst%C3%B8tte-pes-og-posisjoneringsmidler-pos

9. Carefully Plan The Budget For Your Proposal

The template for preparation of your Horizon Europe proposal budget is available online and is part of the Administrative forms. Please contact and involve your local financial officer at your institute/faculty as soon as possible to build the budget. Allow adequate time for the budgeting process, especially for lump sum proposals. 

The local financial officer will quality assess the budget together with the department leadership, usually the Head of administration. UiB’s BOA-TEAM (Financial Services) is available to give advice on the Grant agreement and eligible costs during the budgeting process. In some cases more hands-on assistance can be given from the Financial services for the budgeting process, but only upon request from the Head of administration and depending upon available resources at the Financial services. 

10. IPR & Commercialization

For IPR issues, please contact Dag Hellesund: dag.hellesund@uib.no  

For commercialization issues, please contact VIS