Scientific Writing Seminar
We are repeating the success from December 2017, a two-day seminar in Scientific Writing in the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART collaboration. Open for all!
CCBIO is happy to be inviting you to a two-day seminar in scientific writing, May 15th and 16th 2019. The seminar is open for all (requires registration).
The course is part of the CCBIO/INTPART program, where students’ education and exchange is promoted through collaboration between CCBIO and the Boston based Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. Elisabeth Wik is coordinating the program. This two-day seminar in scientific writing was first run in December 2017 and was a great success.
Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing and assistant editor of APMIS (Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica).
Randy Watnick, associate professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard School of Medicine.
There is something to learn for all of us! Seminars like this are not frequently offered at the Medical Faculty, and we strongly encourage students at all levels, including postdocs, to prioritize this and attend! Senior staff is also very welcome.
09:00–10:00 Organizing your ideas and improving your manuscript
10:00–10:15 BREAK
10:15–11:15 Clear Writing 1 + Nominalization exercise
11:15–11:30 BREAK
11:30–12:15 The Art of Scientific Story Telling 1: How to organize your results and message
12:15–13:00 LUNCH BREAK (not included/not organized)
13:00–14:00 Clear Writing 2 + Deadwood exercise
14:00–14:15 BREAK
14:15–15:15 Punctuation + Comma exercise
15:15–16:00 The Art of Scientific Story Telling 2: Common mistakes and how to avoid them
09:00–10:00 Titles and abstracts
10:00–10:15 BREAK
10:15–11:15 The problem statement
11:15–12:00 What makes a manuscript memorable?
12:00–12:45 LUNCH BREAK (not included/not organized)
12:45–13:15 Numbers exercise
13:15–13:45 The cover letter
13:45–14:00 Summing up
Registration link:
Auditorium B301, 3rd floor Sentralblokken (main building), Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen
If you have any questions, please contact coordinator