CCBIO Seminar – Johannes Eble
Welcome to a CCBIO Seminar with speaker Johannes Eble, University of Münster, Germany. Title: "Beating around the bush, yet hitting the point: CAFs and vasculogenic mimicry vessels as anticancer targets."
Speaker: Johannes Eble, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre, University of Münster, Germany.
Short Bio: Professor Johannes Eble has a long background in integrin biology. He did his PhD with Prof. Klaus Kühn at Max Planck Institute in Munich to continue a postdoc with Martin Hemler at Dana Faber Cancer Institute in Boston before returning to Germany and become a group leader.
Title: "Beating around the bush, yet hitting the point: CAFs and vasculogenic mimicry vessels as anticancer targets"
When: Thursday January 30 at 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BB-building
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg
Abstract: The environment of cancer cells in a tumor mass sets a complex stage, in which the cancer cells progress. Targeting this tumor microenvironment (TME), such as cancer-associated fibroblasts or vasculogenic mimicry vessels, helps in curbing cancer cell growth and invasion. Snake venom components directed against integrins and neuropilin-1 may lead new ways how the TME components are drugable targets that make cancers cells vulnerable.
All are welcome, also to the following pizza get-together! No registration needed.