CCBIO Seminar – Frances Balkwill
Velkommen til CCBIOs seminarserie for høstsemesteret 2024. Åpent for alle i auditorium 4, BBB. Påmelding er ikke nødvendig. Foreleser er professor Frances Balkwill OBE, FMedSci, Centre for Tumour Microenvironment, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, Storbritannia. Tittel: "Cells are Us – experiences in science communication and public engagement." Bli også gjerne med på uformell mingling over pizza etterpå!
![CCBIO logo for the seminars](×tamp=1704201713)
Foreleser: Professor Frances Balkwill OBE, FMedSci, Centre for Tumour Microenvironment, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, Storbritannia.
Tittel: Cells are Us – experiences in science communication and public engagement
Vert: Lars A. Akslen
Sted: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget
Når: 12. desember 2024 kl. 14.30-15.30
Påmelding er ikke nødvendig.
Fran Balkwill is Professor of Cancer Biology at Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, and Deputy Centre Lead in the Centre for Tumour Microenvironment. She is especially interested in translating knowledge of cancer biology into new biological treatments for cancer. Much of her work focuses on the tumour microenvironment of ovarian cancer. After publishing a multi-level profile of the human ovarian cancer microenvironment, her lab has developed a platform of new mouse ovarian cancer models as well as human multi-cellular tissue culture models. They are now using these to research biological therapies that may prevent relapse and increase patient survival.
Abstract: Since her first postdoctoral position, Fran Balkwill has had a parallel career in public engagement and informal science learning; this will be the focus of her talk. Fran will describe her experience of science journalism and writing science books for children. She will also explain how she founded and directs an informal biomedical science learning centre, Centre of the Cell which was the first science centre be located within biomedical research laboratories. Centre of the Cell seeks to positively impact on educational, career and health choices of young people and families with its digital interactive STEM Pod, workshops and shows in Neuron Pod, outreach, mentoring and volunteering opportunities. There have been more than 254,000 participants in Centre of the Cell activities since opening in September 2009.