CCBIO Seminar - Jarle Breivik
CCBIO Seminar 17. desember med gjesteforeleser Jarle Breivik om temaet "Cancer and aging: Facing realities and an uncertain future".
Gjesteforeleser: Jarle Breivik fra the Department of Behavioural Sciences in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo.
Tittel: "Cancer and aging: Facing realities and an uncertain future"
Sammendrag: The medical research community has for decades sustained the myth that the solution to cancer is just around the corner. The fact is that today's cancer epidemic is not a problem that modern medicine is about to solve - it is a problem we are about to create. It is therefore necessary to communicate a more realistic understanding of cancer and cancer research. Here I will discuss this problem of cancer communication in relation to the fundamental problem of cancer biology. How do we explain to the public that cancer is a natural consequence of aging - and that the better we get at treating cancer, the longer we live and the more cancer there will be in the population? Is there a way to beat this problem - and if so, what kind of world are we creating?
Når: 14.30
Ordstyrer: Lars A. Akslen.
Etter seminarer har CCBIO gleden av å invitere til en uformell sammenkomst utenfor auditoriet med servering av pizza og drikke.
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