Centre for Cancer Biomarkers
precision medicine cancer conference

Engineering solutions for cancer

CCBIO adjunct professor invites to cancer conference at the Royal Geographic Society in London.

Target aim at cancer cell
Illustration of precision cancer medicine


CCBIO's Adjunct Professor Hani Gabra of the London Imperial College invites the CCBIO community to the Precision Medicines Cancer Conference "Engineering Solutions for Cancer" July 14th and 15th, in London.

This ​event, ​hosted ​by ​Imperial ​College ​London ​will ​bring ​together ​world ​leaders ​in ​biomedical ​engineering ​and ​clinical ​oncology ​into ​four ​themes: 

  • Early Diagnosis & Early Detection of Relapse
  • Local Therapy: Surgery & Radiotherapy
  • Systems Oncology Pharmacodynamics
  • Model Systems & BioMechanics 

For more information, complete program and registration, see http://www.precisionmedicines.com/ 

Also see flyer for the event enclosed as pdf below.


Poster presentations

Abstracts ​for ​poster ​presentations ​are invited and ​there ​will ​be ​proffered ​talks ​in ​each ​of ​the ​four ​sessions.

Deadline for abstract submission is extended. Submit your one page abstract to precisionmedicines@imperial.ac.uk for consideration.


Welcome to London!