Center for Data Science
CEDAS eksperter

Har du et spørsmål om data science? Ta kontakt med en av våre eksperter!

CEDAS har etablert en gruppe over data science eksperter som andre forskere interessert i data science kan ta kontakt med. Formålet er å fremme tverrfaglig samarbeid, primært innenfor senterets forskningsområder.


Nello Blaser                                                                          Data Science, machine learning, topological data analysis, computational topology, geometric machine learning
Pål Drangealgorithms, Artificial Intelligence, graph theory, machine learning, Python, software engineering

Fedor Fomin

algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, discrete mathematics, graph theory, algorithmic foundations of machine learning, parameterized complexity, algorithmic fairness

Helwig Hauser

visual data science, interactive visual data exploration and analysis, application of visualization to a broad range of applications
Yushu Litime series econometrics, sparse Bayesian learning, wavelet methods, statistical machine learning, statistical surveillance

Tom Michoel

bioinformatics, computational biology, machine learning, causal inference

Pekka Parviainen

machine learning, probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian networks

Saket Saurabh

parameterized complexity, exact exponential algorithms, graph algorithms and graph theory, algorithmic Game Theory, Big Data

Hans Skaug

biostatistics, computational statistics

Noeska Smit

medical visualization

Christoph Trattner

Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, HCI, Recommender Systems, social networks