Fra naturkrise til løsninger - Norges vei mot naturavtalen (seminar 6)
I CeSAMs tverrfaglige seminarserie 2024-2025 tar vi tak i store og små spørsmål i skjæringspunktet mellom natur og politikk. Vi tar utgangspunkt i norske forhold, og setter et tverrfaglig søkelys på Norges implementering av naturavtalen. Alle velkomne!

Seminar 6:
Nature’s multiple values
with Alicia Donnellan Barraclough.
Diverse values of nature in decision making
Difficulties in addressing the nature crisis are partly explained by a mismatch between how nature is valued by different sectors of society and which values are prioritized (or not) in decision making. More often than not, powerful interests determine whose and which values are considered in decisions, reducing the space for a plurality of nature values.
Barraclough will present how the field of nature valuation has progressed since the first publications on valuing nature’s contribution’s to human wellbeing over 25 years ago, to the latest IPBES assessment on the “Diverse values and Valuation of nature” published in 2022. She will then provide an example of how the NFR project ACTIONABLE explores how these frameworks can be operationalized in planning and decision-making for a more just and equitable pathway to reaching the Global Biodiversity Framework targets.
NB: This seminar will be held in English.