Stefan Dahlberg & Sofie Blombäck: Eftervalsanalys av det svenska riksdagsvalet 11 september 2022

Stefan Dahlberg og Sofie Blombäck frå Mittuniversitetet i Sverige presenterer denne veka, om det svenske valet som nettopp var. Les meir på våre engelske sider.
One of the largest changes in Swedish politics over the past decade has been the break up and subsequent reformation of the political blocs. When the Sweden Democrats were elected for the first time in 2010 the formerly stable left wing and right wing blocs were challenged, which lead to unprecedented difficulties in forming and maintaining governing coalitions. This tension has characterized the past two electoral periods in particular. Before the 2022 elections, however, it was clear that a new block, which included the Sweden Democrats, had formed on the right. It is also clear that neither of the two “teams” around the main candidates for prime minister are particularly united. We will discuss the development of the Swedish party system, and what the effects the changing alliances has on the upcoming government formation process.