
Nettverk for digitale narrativ


DNN logo

The Digital Narrative Network (DNN) is a newly established cross-faculty collaboration at the University of Bergen, focused on the impacts of the digital turn on the ways that narratives are constructed. The faculties included in this project include the faculties of the Humanities, Art, Music, and Design, and Social Sciences. To stay informed about our activities, subscribe to the DNN mailing list.

The network explores digital narrative from multiple interdisciplinary perspectives, for example:

--Digital Narratives in Electronic Literature (reflexive literary artifacts in digital media)

--Digital Narratives of Everyday Life Online (as reflected for example in social networks and other mass-writing / identity / communication platforms)

--Digital Narratives as Interactive Digital Narratives (for example in computer games and other IDN experiences)

--Digital Narrative as Nonhuman Narrative (for example AI, machine learning, and machine vision systems that produce semi-autonomous narratives)

--Literature Reflecting Contemporary Culture After the Digital Turn (novels, poetry, etc. that reflect on the post-digital / post-human condition)

--Narratives of Digital Culture Reflected in Contemporary Art (for example sound art, procedural art, and performance)

--Digital Narratives as Visual Culture (for example in media arts inflected by the visual turn, or post-digital design practices)

The Network develops cross-faculty communication and cooperation and facilitates join research projects, organizes guest speaker events, research-in-progress presentations, conferences, and exhibitions of UiB art and research involving digital narrative.

Nytt senter for fremragende forskning
Jill og Scott Rettberg

Senter for digitale fortellinger får SFF-status

I dag kom nyheten om at Senter for digitale fortellinger har blitt tildelt status som Senter for fremragende forskning (SFF). Senteret skal utforske hvordan vi som enkeltmennesker og samfunn blir påvirket av at livene våre i økende grad styres av algoritmer.

Conference and Exhibition -- Call for Submissions
N Katherine Hayles

DNN Conference and Exhibition

We are busy planning the Digital Narrative Network conference on 21st and 22nd November with an exhibition in the same week at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, featuring a keynote from N. Katherine Hayles and other special guests, alongside presentations of research from multiple faculties...

Hartmit Koenitz

Documentation of Interactive Digital Narrative Lecture by Hartmut Koenitz

Hartmut Koenitz presented his lecture: 'Representation of Complexity – Interactive Digital Narratives Enabling Discourse for the 21st Century' organised by the Digital Narrative Network at the University of Bergen on September 12th 2019.

Prisvinnende bok
Mann i dress står foran hekk og holder en gjennomsiktig pris.

Scott Rettberg vant Hayles-prisen for boken "Electronic Literature"

The N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature for 2019 ble tildelt Scott Rettberg, professor i digital kultur ved UiB, for boken Electronic Literature.

Professor II digital kultur
NIck Montfort portrait

Nick Montfort, MIT-professor i digitale medier, utnevnt til professor II ved UiB Digital Culture

Vi er glade for å kunngjøre utnevnelsen av Nick Montfort, professor i digitale medier ved MIT, til en ansettelse som professor II med UiB Digital Culture. Montfort er kjent som både en kreativ forfatter og som kritiker og teoretiker av digitale medier.