Utforskning av Norske-Grønlandshavet
Senteret er i gang med sitt årlige tokt i Norske-Grønlandshavet. Til tross for at toktet ble annerledes enn det vi er vant med, har det blitt gjort mange spennende oppdagelser i dypet. Se bilder av arbeidet om bord.
We spent 10 quarantine days on board of G.O. SARS sailing from Bergen to Bodø. The quarantine period was successfully devoted to science. We visited several fjords along the coastline, surveying the seabed, collecting benthic fauna and sediment cores.
We are now finally diving into the mysteries of the deep sea. Before reaching the Mohn's ridge, we stopped for a dive at a seamount covered in manganese crust. Here we completed a video transect, collecting biological and geological samples using the ROV Ægir6000.
Continuing to the Ægir vent field, we explored several lava flows, the active vent and surrounding fauna. This region is still quite unexplored, so we collected biological and geological samples to get a better overview of this system.
For the last few days, we have been investigating the Fåvne vent field. Here, inactive chimneys are full of sponges, anemones and other life. The active black smoker chimneys are covered in extensive microbial mats.
We are continuing our work at Fåvne for a few more days before moving northwards along the ridge.