Institutt for økonomi

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner



Marc Goni, Victor Gay and Paula E. Gobbi: The Customary Atlas of Ancien Régime France, Explorations in Economic History, 93, 101588

Rune Jansen Hagen and Jørn RattsøStrategic interaction in the market for charitable donations: The role of public funding, Journal of Public Economic Theory

Anantha DivakaruniWhat the voices of female executivesreveal on investorcalls The Financial Times

Victor Gay, Paula E. Gobbi, Marc Goñi: The Atlas of Local Jurisdictions of Ancien Régime France. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 84: pp. 49-60

Teis L. Lømo: Overlapping ownership and input prices, International Journal of Industrial Organization

Teis L. Lømo: Overlapping ownership, pass-through, and product differentiation  Economics Letters

Eirik S. Amundsen and Arild Heimvik: Refunded NOx-Emission Payments Scheme: A Viable Alternative to a Pigouvian Tax?, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 180, pp. 485-510 


Rita Ginja, Arizo Karimi and Pengpeng Xiao: Employer Responses to Family Leave Programs. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Pages 107-135 

Rita Ginja and Gabriella ContiWho Benefits From Free Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico, Journal of Human Resources, Volume 58, number , Pages 146-182

Rita Ginja, Aline Bütikofer, Katrine V Løken and Fanny Landaud: Higher Achievement Schools, Peers, and Mental Healt, The Economic Journal

Christoph Hubert, Lenka Fiala et al.Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United states of America (PNAS)

Schaerer, M., du Plessis, C., Nguyen, M. H. B., van Aert, R. C. M., Tiohkin, L., Lakens, D., [5 others plus 185-author consortium including Fiala, L.], Uhlmann, E. L. :On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions   Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 179. 104280. 2023

Oddvar Kaarbøe, Tor Iversen and Øyvind Snilsberg: Impacts of Norway's extended free choice reform on waiting times and hospital visits, Health Economics


Frich, Jan, Clara Bratholm, Håvard Ravnestad, Morten L Friberg, Christer Mjåset, and Oddvar Kaarboe: Medical leadership development during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Leader

Rita Ginja, Arizo Karimi and Pengpeng Xiao: Employer Responses to Family Leave Programs. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Marc Goñi (2022): Assortative matching at the top of the distribution: Evidence from the world’s most exclusive marriage marketAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14(3): 445-87

Marc GoñiLanded elites and Education Provision in England: Evidence from School Boards, 1871-1899. Journal of Economic Growth

Leonardo Bursztyn, Georgy Egorov, Ingar Haaland, Aakaash Rao, and Christopher RothPerception of Policies and Polarization, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112, 151–155.

Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, and Christopher RothDo people demand fact-checked news? Evidence from U.S. Democrats, Journal of Public Economics, 205, 104549.

Eirik S. Amundsen, Lars Gårn Hansen and Hans Jørgen Whitta-JacobsenRegulation of Location-Specific Externalities from Small-Scale Polluters, Environmental and Resource Economics, 82, 507–528.

Nina Serdarevic and Sigve TjøttaApplying Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments to elicited social norms: Giving and taking in dictator games, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 6(1), 100290.

Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen, Bjørn Olav Johansen, and Odd Rune Straume: National pricing with local quality competition. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy .

Yan Alperovych, Anantha Divakaruni, and Sophie Manigart: Lending when relationships are scarce: The role of information spread via bank networks. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2022, 73, 102181.


Cosnita-Langlais, Andreea; Johansen, Bjørn Olav and Lars Sørgard (2021): Upward pricing pressure in two-sided markets: Incorporating rebalancing effects. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 74.

Aaronson, Daniel; Faber, Jacob; Hartley, Daniel; Mazumder, Bhaskar and Patrick Sharkey (2021): The long-run effects of the 1930s HOLC “redlining” maps on place-based measures of economic opportunity and socioeconomic success. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 86, 1-15.

Angeles, Renira Corinne; Berge, Line Iden; Gedde, Marie H.; Kjerstad, Egil; Vislapuu, Maarja; Puaschitz, Nathalie and Bettina Elisabeth Franziska Husebø (2021): Which factors increase informal care hours and societal costs among caregivers of people with dementia? A systematic review of Resource Utilization in Dementia (RUD)Health Economics Review, 11(37).

Julian Vedeler Johnsen, Kjell Vaage and Alexander Willén: Interactions in Public Policies: Spousal Responses and Program Spillovers of Welfare Reforms, The Economic Journal, Volume 132, Issue 642, February 2022, Pages 834–864

Asche, Frank; Straume, Hans-Martin and Erling Vårdal (2021): Perish or prosper: Trade patterns for highly perishable seafood products. Agribusiness.

Bütikofer, Aline; Riise, Julie and  Meghan M. Skira (2021).The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(1), 67-105.

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Canta, Chiara; Siciliani, Luigi and Odd Rune Straume (2021): Hospital Competition in a National Health Service: Evidence from a Patient Choice Reform. Journal of Health Economics, 79.

Ferman, Bruno; Torsvik, Gaute and Kjell Vaage (2021): Skipping the doctor: evidence from a case with extended self-certification of paid sick leave. Journal of Population Economics.

Ginja, Rita and Gabriella Conti (2021): Who Benefits From Free Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico. The Journal of human resources.

Hvide, Hans K.; Johnsen, Julian Vedeler and Kjell Gunnar Salvanes (2021): Parental age and birth defects: a sibling study. European Journal of Epidemiology, 36, 849-860.

Karimi, Milad; van der Zwaan, Lennart; Islam, Kamrul; van Genabeek, Joost and Maureen Rutten-van Mölken (2021): Evaluating Complex Health and Social Care Program Using Multi-criteria Decision Analysis: A Case Study of “Better Together in Amsterdam North”Value in Health, 7, 966-975.

Islam, Kamrul; Ruths, Sabine; Jansen, Kristian; Falck, Runa; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen and Jan Erik Askildsen (2021): Evaluating an integrated care pathway for frail elderly patients in Norway using multi-criteria decision analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 21.

Sá, Luís and Odd Rune Straume (2021): Quality provision in hospital markets with demand inertia: The role of patient expectations. Journal of Health Economics, 80.

Serdarevic, Nina (2021): Licence to Lie and the Social (In)appropriateness of Lying. Economics Letters, 199.

Tjøtta, Sigve (2021): It pays to be nice: The benefits of cooperating in marketsJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 90, 1-13.

Heimvik, Arild and Eirik S. Amundsen (2021): Prices vs. percentages: Use of tradable green certificates as an instrument of greenhouse gas mitigation. Energy Economics, 99.


Ginja, Rita Camila Santos Miguel P.; Karimi, Arizo; and Jans, Jenny (2020): Parental Leave Benefits, Household Labor Supply and Children’s Long-run OutcomesJournal of Labor Economics, Volume 38, nr, 1.

Cazauibiel, Arthur; Cure, Morgane; Johansen, Bjørn Olav; Vergé, Thibaud (2020): Substitution between online distribution channels: Evidence from the Oslo hotel market.  International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 69, March 2020.

Gaasland, Ivar; Straume, Hans-Martin; and Vårdal, Erling (2020): Agglomeration and trade performance – evidence from the Norwegian salmon aquaculture industry. Aquaculture Economics & Management, Volume 24(2), 2020, s. 181-193.

Hirte, Georg; Lessmann, Christian; Seidel, André (2020): International trade, geographic heterogeneity and interregional inequality. European Economic Review, Volume 127, August 2020.

Haaland, Ingar; Roth, Christopher (2020): Labor market concerns and support for immigration. Journal of Public Economics, Volume 191, November 2020.

Mauring, Eeva (2020): Informational Cycles in Search Markets. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 12(4): 170–192, 2020

Bratberg, Espen; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin (2020): Health effects of reduced workload for older employees. Health Economics, 2020, Vol.29(5), p.554-566.

Kvarven, Amanda; Strømland, Eirik; Johannesson, Magnus (2020): Comparing meta-analyses and preregistered multiple-laboratory replication projects. Nature Human Behavior, 4, 423–434 (2020).

Brekke, Kurt; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin; Straume, Odd Rune (2020): How Does The Type of Remuneration Affect Physician Behavior? Fixed Salary versus Fee-for-Service. American Journal of Health Economics, Volume 6, Number 1.

Halliday, Timothy J; Mazumder, Bhashkar; Wong, Ashley (2020): The intergenerational transmission of health in the United States: A latent variables analysis. Health economics, 2020, Vol.29(3), p.367-381.

Brekke, Kurt; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd Rune (2020): Quality and Price Competition in Spatial Markets. In: Colombo S. (eds) Spatial Economics Volume I, Chapter 12. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Aas, C.F., Vold, J.H., Skurtveit, S. et al. (2020): Health-related quality of life of long-term patients receiving opioid agonist therapy: a nested prospective cohort study in Norway. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 15, 68 (2020).

Kopasker, Daniel; Islam, Kamrul .; Gibson, Jonathan; Lau, Yiu-Shing; Sutton, Matt; Askildsen, Jan Erik; Bond, Christine; Elliott, Robert (2020): Skill mix and patient outcomes: A multi-country analysis of heart disease and breast cancer patients. Health Policy, Volume 124, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 1074-1082.

Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen; Karimi, Milad;  Leijten, Fenna; Hoedemakers, Maaike; Looman,  Willemijn; Islam, Kamrul; Askildsen, Jan E .; Kraus, Markus; Ercevic, Darija; Struckmann, Verena; Pitter, János Gyorgy; Cano, Isaac; Stokes, Jonathan; Jonker, Marcel (2020): Comparing patients’ and other stakeholders’ preferences for outcomes of integrated care for multimorbidity: a discrete choice experiment in eight European countries. BMJ Open, Vol 10.

Bhuller, Manudeep; Dahl, Gordon B.; Løken, Katrine V.; Mogstad, Magne (2020): Incarceration, Recidivism, and Employment. Journal of Political Economy, Volume 128, Number 4.

Bilicka, Katarzyna; Seidel, André (2020): Profit shifting and corruption. International Tax and Public Finance, volume 27, pages 1051–1080 (2020).


Amundsen, Eirik S. and Jensen, Frank (2019): Groundwater management: Waiting for a drought. Natural Resource Modeling, 1-30.

Carneiro, Pedro; Galasso, Emanuela and Ginja, Rita (2019): Tackling Social Exclusion: Evidence form Chile. The Economic Journal, 129, Issue 617, 172-208.

Amundsen, Eirik S. (2019): Influencing economic policy: Experiences from the Danish Economic Councils. Scandinavian Forest Economics, No. 48, s. 103-113, 2018.

Asche, Frank; Gaasland, Ivar; Straume, Hans-Martin; and Vårdal, Erling (2019): Norwegian export of farmed salmon − trade costs and market concentration. Applied Economics Letters, 1-6.

Lundberg, Shelly J. and Stearns, Jenna (2019): Women in economics: Stalled progress. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(1), 3-22.

Maynou, Laia, and Cairns, John Alexander (2019): What is driving HTA decision-making? Evidence from cancer drug reimbursement decisions from 6 European countries. Health Policy, 123(2), 130-139.

Siciliani, Luigi, and Straume, Odd Rune (2019): Competition and equity in health care markets. Journal of Health Economics, 64, 1-14.

Strømland, Eirik André (2019): Preregistration and reproducibilityJournal of Economic Psychology, 2019, Volume 75, part A.

Tjøtta, Sigve (2019): More or less money? An experimental study on receiving money. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 80, 67-79.

Johnsen, Julian Vedeler and Katrine Holm Reiso (2019): Economic Impacts of Workfare Reforms for Single Mothers: Benefit Substitution and Labour supply responses. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 000(0), 1–30, 2019

Baltaxe, Erik; Cano, Isaac; Herranz, Carmen; Barberan-Garcia, A; Hernandez, C; Alonso, Albert; Bescos, Cristina; Burgos, EF; Cleries, Montserrat; Contel, Joan Carles; de Batlle, Jordi; Islam, M. Kamrul; Kaye, R; Lahr, Maarten; Martinez-Palli, G; Monterde, D; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen P M H; and Roca, J. (2019): Evaluation of integrated care services in Catalonia: population-based and service-based real-life deployment protocols. BMC Health Services Research, 2019; Volum 19.(370)

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin and Straume, Odd Rune (2019): Competition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates? Journal of Health Economics, 2019, Volum 66, s. 117-135.

Grøtting, Maja Weemes and Lillebø, Otto Sevaldson (2019): Health effects of retirement: evidence from survey and register data. Journal of Population Economics, 2019, s. 1-34

Sá, Luís; Siciliano, Luigi; Straume, Odd Rune (2019): Dynamic hospital competition under rationing by waiting times. Journal of Health Economics, 2019, Volum 66. s. 260-282

Baltaxe, Erik; Czypionka, Thomas; Kraus, Markus; Reiss, Miriam; Askildsen, Jan Erik; Grenkovic, Renata; Lindén, Tord Skogedal; Pitter, János György; Rutten-van Molken, Maureen; Solans, Oscar; Stokes, Jonathan; Struckmann, Verena; Roca, Josep; Cano, Isaac (2019): Digital Health Transformation of Integrated Care in Europe: Overarching Analysis of 17 Integrated Care Programs. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019, Volum 21(9)



Hvide, Hans K. and Jones, Benjamin F. (2018): University innovation and the professor’s privilege. The American Economic Review, 108, 1860-1898.

Bastos, Paulo; Monteiro, Natália and Straume, Odd Rune (2018): Foreign acquisition and internal organization. Journal of International Economics, 114, 143-163.

Glazer, Amihai; Hagen, Rune Jansen and Rattsø, Jørn (2018): Help not needed? Optimal host country regulation of expatriate NGO workers. Review of International Economics, 26, 302-321.

Blandford, David; Gaasland, Ivar and Vårdal, Erling (2018): Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land Use, and Food Supply under the Paris Climate Agreement – Policy Choice in Norway. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 1-16.

Meregaglia, Michela; Cairns, John Alexander; Licitra, Lisa; Bossi, Paolo (2018): The use of intensive radiological assessments in routine surveillance after treatment for head and neck cancer: An economic evaluation. European Journal of Cancer, 93, 89-98.

Hangoma, Peter; Robberstad, Bjarne; Aakvik, Arild (2018): Does Free Public Health Care Increase Utilization and Reduce Spending? Heterogeneity and Long-Term Effects. World Development, 101, 334-350.

Amundsen, Eirik S. and Bye, Torstein (2018): Simultaneous use of Black, Green, and White Certificate Systems. The Energy Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4, 103-125.

Maureen Rutten-van Mölken, Fenna Leijten, Maaike Hoedemakers, Apostolos Tsiachristas, Nick Verbeek, Milad Karimi, Roland Bal, Antoinette deBont, Kamrul Islam, Jan Erik Askildsen, Thomas Czypionka, Markus Kraus, Mirjana Huic, Jánoa György Pitter, Verena Vogt, Jonathan Stokes, Erik Baltaxe and on the behalf of the SELFIE consortium (2018): Strengthening the evidence-base of integrated care for people with multi-morbidity in Europe using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), BMC Health Services Research 18:576.

Monteiro, Natália P.; Straume, Odd Rune (2018): Are cooperatives more productive than investor-owned firms? Cross-industry evidence from Portugal. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89(2), 377-414

Øverland, Simon, Grasdal, Astrid Louise, Reme, Silje Andresen (2018): Long-term effects on income and sickness benefits after work-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy and individual job support: a pragmatic, multicentre, randomized controlled trial. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 75, Issue 10, 703-708.

Cellini, Roberto; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd Rune (2018): A dynamic model of quality competition with endogenous prices. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 94, 190-206.

Torsvik, Gaute; Strømland, Eirik Andre; Tjøtta, Sigve (2018): Mutual choice of partner and communication in a repeated prisoner's dilemma. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 75, 12-23.

Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Reiso, Katrine Holm (2018): Single mothers and their children: Evaluating a work-encouraging welfare reform. Journal of Public Economics, Vol.167, 1-20.

Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune and Vagstad, Steinar (2018): Employment Protection and Unemployment Benefits: On Technology Adoption and Job Creation in a Matching Model. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 120, 763-793.

Ruggeri, Matteo; Drago, Carlo; Moramarco, Vincenzo, Coretti, Silvia; Köppen, Julia; Islam, Muhammad Kamrul; Gibson, Jonathan; Busse, Reinhard; van Exel, Job; Sutton, Matthew; Askildsen, Jan Erik; Bond, Christine M.; Elliot, Robert F., on behalf of the MUNROS team (2018): New professional roles and patient satisfaction: Evidence from a European survey along three clinical pathways. Health Policy, Vol. 122, Issue 10, 1078-1084.

Köppen, Julia; Maier, Claudia B.; Busse, Reinhard; Bond, Christine; Elliot, Robert; Bruhn, Hanne; Mclaggan, Debbie; Zvonickova, Marie; Hodyc, Daniel; Svobodová, Hana; Sutton, Matthew; Gibson, Jonathan; McBride, Anne; Zander, Britta; Coretti, Silvia; Ruggeri, Matteo; van Exel, Job; de Bont, Antoinette; Luyendjk, Marianne; Askildsen, Jan Erik; Islam, M. Kamrul; Opsahl, Jon; Sobczak, Alicja; Dykowska, Grazyna; Winter, Małgorzata; Ostrowska, Sabina; Mijal, Michal; Basihos, Seda; Dogan, Meryem; Güldem Ökem, Zaynep (2018): What are the motivating and hindering factors for health professionals to undertake new roles in hospitals? A study among physicians, nurses and managers looking at breast cancer and acute myocardial infarction care in nine countries. Health Policy, 122.(10), 1118-1125.

Hagen, Rune Jansen (2018): Losing concentration? Lessons from a Swedish aid policy reform. Development Policy Review, Vol. 36, Issue S2, O984-O1003.

Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Johansen, Bjørn Olav and Lømo, Teis Lunde (2018): Resale price maintenance in two-sided markets. Journal of Industrial Economics, 66 (3), 570-609.


Halliday, Timothy J; Mazumder, Bhaskar (2017). An Analysis of Sibling Correlations in Health using Latent Variable Models. Health Economics, 26 (12), 108-125.

Hangoma, Peter; Aakvik, Arild; Robberstad, Bjarne (2017). Health Shocks and Household Welfare in Zambia: An Assessment of Changing Risk. Journal of International Development, 30 (5), 790-817.

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin; Straume, Odd Rune (2017). Do treatment decisions depend on physicians' financial incentives?. Journal of Public Economics, 155, 74-92.

Reigstad, Amanda Grindheim; Strømland, Eirik Andre; Tinghög, Gustav (2017). Extending the cooperative phenotype: Assessing the stability of cooperation across countries. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1990, 1-12.

Fløgstad, Cathrin; Hagen, Rune Jansen (2017). Aid Dispersion: Measurement in Principle and Practice, World Development, 97, 232-250.

Meregaglia, Michela; Borsoi, Ludovica; Cairns, John Alexander; Tarricone, Rosanna (2017). Mapping health-related quality of life scores from FACT-G, FAACT, and FACIT-F onto preference-based EQ-5D-5L utilities in non-small cell lung cancer cachexia. European Journal of Health Economics, 1-13.

Ng, Marie; Colson, Katherine Ellicott; Fullman, Nancy; Dwyer-Lindgren, Laura; Achoki, Tom; Schneider, Matthew; Mulenga, Peter; Hangoma, Peter; Masiye, Felix; Gakidou, Emmanuela (2017)Assessing the contribution of malaria vector control and other maternal and child health interventions in reducing all-cause under-five mortality in Zambia, 1990-2010. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 97, 58-64.

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd Rune (2017)Can Competition Reduce Quality?. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 1-27.

Islam, M. Kamrul; Folland, Shermann Thomas; Kaarbøe, Oddvar Martin (2017). Social capital and cigarette smoking: New empirics featuring the Norwegian HUNT data. Economics and Human Biology, 26, 174-185.

Seidel, Andre; Thum, Marcel; Sugata, Marjit (2017). Corruption and Prevalence of Tax Loopholes. The German Economic Review, 18 (3).

Carrieri, Vincenzo; Jones, Andrew Michael (2017). The income-health relationship `Beyond the Mean': New evidence from biomarkers. Health Economics, 26 (7), 937-956.

Aakvik, Arild; Hansen, Frank; Torsvik, Gaute (2017)Productivity dynamics, performance feedback and group incentives in a sales organization. Labour Economics, 46, 110-117.

Amundsen, Eirik S.; Nese, Gjermund (2017). Market power in interactive environmental and energy markets: The case of green certificates. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.

Meregaglia, Michela; Cairns, John Alexander; Alfieri, Salvatore; Favales, Federica; Mazzitelli, Daniela; Orlandi, Ester; Licitra, Lisa; Bossi, Paolo (2017). Eliciting Preferences for Clinical Follow-Up in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Using Best-Worst Scaling. Value in Health, 20(6), 799-808.

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Straume, Odd Rune (2017). Competition policy for health care provision in Norway. Health Policy, 121 (2), 134-140.

Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Johansen, Bjørn Olav (2017). Resale price maintenance with secret contracts and retail service externalities. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 9(1), 63-87.

Hangoma, Peter; Aakvik, Arild; Robberstad, Bjarne (2017). Explaining changes in child health inequality in the run up to the 2015 millennium development goals (MDGs): The case of Zambia. PLoS ONE, 12 (2), 1-21.

Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Lundberg, Shelly J; Riise, Julie (2017). Lifting the Burden: Formal Care of the Elderly and Labor Supply of Adult Children. The Journal of Human resources, 52 (1), 247-271.


Brekke, Kurt Richard; Canta, Chiara; Straume, Odd Rune (2016). Reference pricing with endogenous generic entry. Journal of Health Economics, 50, 312-329.

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Levaggi, Rosella; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd Rune (2016). Patient mobility and health care quality when regions and patients differ in income. Journal of Health Economics, 50, 372-387.

Carrieri, Vincenzo; Jones, Andrew Michael (2016). Smoking for the poor and vaping for the rich? Distributional concerns for novel nicotine delivery systems. Economics Letters, 149, 71-74.

Del Bono, Emilia; Francesconi, Marco; Kelly, Yvonne; Sacker, Amanda (2016). Early maternal time investment and early child outcomes. Economic Journal, 126 (596), 96-135.

Santos Miguel Prata Ginja, Rita Camila; Carneiro, Pedro (2016). Partial Insurance and Investments in Children. Economic Journal 2016.

Benzeval, Michaela; Kumari, Meena; Jones, Andrew Michael (2016). How Do Biomarkers and Genetics Contribute to Understanding Society?. Health Economics, 25 (10), 1219-1222.

Flåm, Sjur Dirik (2016). Noncooperative games, coupling constraints, and partial efficiency. Economic Theory Bulletin, 4 (2), 213-229.

Ilboudo, Patrick Christian Gueswende; Greco, Giulia; Sundby, Johanne; Torsvik, Gaute (2016). Estimating the costs for the treatment of abortion complications in two public referral hospitals: A cross-sectional study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 1-10.

Reme, Silje; Tveito, Torill Helene; Harris, Anette; Lie, Stein Atle; Grasdal, Astrid; Indahl, Aage; Brox, Jens Ivar; Tangen, Tone; Hagen, Eli Molde; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Ødegård, Arit; Frøyland, Livar; Fors, Egil Andreas; Chalder, Trudie; Eriksen, Hege Randi (2016). Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (The CINS Trial): A Randomized Controlled, Multicenter Trial Comparing a Brief Intervention with Additional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Seal Oil, and Soy Oil for Sick-Listed Low Back Pain Patients. Spine, 41 (20), 1557-1564.

Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Mogstad, Magne; Dahl, Gordon B.; Salvanes, Kari Vea (2016). What is the case for paid maternity leaveReview of Economics and Statistics 2016.

Riise, Julie; Hole, Arne Risa; Gyrd-Hansen, Dorte; Skåtun, Diane (2016). GPs' implicit prioritization through clinical choices – evidence from three national health servicesJournal of Health Economics, 49, 169-183.

Bratberg, Espen; Davis, Jonathan; Mazumder, Bhashkar; Nybom, Martin; Daniel D., Schnitzlein; Vaage, Kjell (2016). A comparison of intergenerational mobility curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden, and the USThe Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1-30.

Seidel, Andre; Thum, Marcel (2016). Tax Evasion, Corruption and Market Entry. Scottish Journal of Political Economy.

Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Tveito, Torill Helene; Bond, Gary R.; Grasdal, Astrid; Lie, Stein Atle; Reme, Silje (2016). Protocol for the SEED-trial: Supported employment and preventing early disability. BMC Public Health, 16:579.

Blanden, Jo; Del Bono, Emilia; McNally, Sandra; Rabe, Birgitta (2016). Universal pre-school education: the case of public funding with private provision. Economic Journal, 126 (592), 682-723.

Lundberg, Shelly J; Pollak, Robert A.; Stearns, Jenna (2016). Family inequality: Diverging patterns in marriage, cohabitation, and childbearing. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30, 79-102.

Bond, Christine; Bruhn, Hanne; de Bont, Antoinette; van Exel, Job; Busse, Reinhard; Sutton, Matthew; Askildsen, Jan Erik; Opsahl, Jon; Haug, Kjell; Berven, Nina; Folkestad, Bjarte; Ludvigsen, Kari; Ravneberg, Bodil; Östergren, Linda; Islam, M. Kamrul (2016).  The impact on practice, outcomes and costs of new roles for health professionals: a study protocol for MUNROS. BMJ Open, 6(4).

Johansen, Bjørn Olav; Nilssen, Tore (2016). The economics of retailing formats: Competition versus bargainingJournal of Industrial Economics, 64(1), 109-134.

Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Grasdal, Astrid; Reme, Silje (2016)Trial participant representativeness compared to ordinary service users in a work rehabilitation settingContemporary Clinical Trials, 2, 12-15.

Flåm, Sjur Didrik (2016)Bilateral exchange and competitive equilibriumSet-Valued and Variational Analysis, 24(1), 1-11.

Bastos, Paulo; Straume, Odd Rune (2016). Preschool education in Brazil: Does public supply crowd out private enrollment?. World Development, 78, 496-510.

Brendbekken, Randi; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Grasdal, Astrid; Harris, Anette; Hagen, Eli Molde; Tangen, Tone (2016)Return to work in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: multidisciplinary intervention versus brief intervention: A randomized clinical trialJournal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 1-10.

Kloppen, Kathrine; Haugland, Siren; Svedin, Carl Göran; Mæhle, Magne Olav; Breivik, Kyrre (2016)Prevalence of child sexual abuse in the Nordic countries: A literature reviewJournal of Child Sexual Abuse, 25(1), 37-55.


Flåm, Sjur Didrik; Wolfstetter, Elmar (2015). Liability insurance and choice of cars: A large game approachJournal of Public Economic Theory, 17(6), 943-963.

Egger, Hartmut; Meland, Frode; Schmerer, Hans-Jörg (2015). Differences in the degree of unionization as a source of comparative advantage in open economiesCanadian Journal of Economics 2015, 48(1), 245-272.

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Flåm, Sjur Didrik (2015). Risk measures, convexity, and max-min shortfallsJournal of Convex Analysis, 22.(3), 603-626.

Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Vagstad, Steinar (2015). Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in hiring and promotionJournal of Economic Behavior andOrganization, 116, 540-554.

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488. Espen Bratberg, Karsten M.E. Rieck and Kjell Vaage (2014): Intergenerational earnings mobility and divorce. Journal of Population Economics, 27, 1107-1126.

487. Paulo Bastos, Natalia P. Monteiro and Odd Rune Straume (2014): The effect of private versus public ownership on labour earnings. Oxford Economic Papers, 66, 983-1005.

486. Kurt R. Brekke, Rosella Levaggi, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume (2014): Patient mobility, health care quality and welfare. Journal of Economic Behavior & Economics, 140-157.

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484. Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken and Magne Mogstad (2014): Peer effects in program participation. American Economic Review, 104, 2049-2074.

483. Andreas Kostøl and Magne Mogstad (2014): How financial incentives induce disability insurance recipients to return to work. American Economic Review, 104, 624-655.

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479. Paulo Bastos, Natalia P. Monteiro and Odd Rune Straume (2014): The impact of private vs. public ownership on the level and structure of employment. Economics of Transition, 22, 247-280.

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475. Kurt Brekke, Hugh Gravelle, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume (2014): Patient choice, mobility and competition among health care providers.  In: R. Levaggi and M. Montefiori (eds.): Health Care Provision and Patient Mobility. Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy. Springer.

474. David Blandford, Ivar Gaasland and Erling Vårdal (2014): The trade-off between food production and greenhouse gas mitigation in Norwegian agriculture. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 184, 59-66.

473. Hans K. Hvide and Giorgios A. Panos (2014): Risk tolerance and entrepreneurship. Journal of Financial Economics, 111, 200-223.

472. Oddvar Kaarbøe and Fredrik Carlsen (2014): Waiting times and socioeconomic status. Evidence from Norway. Health Economics, 23, 93-107.


471. Sjur Didrik Flåm and Kjetil Gramstad (2013): Direct exchange in linear economies. International Game Theory Review, 14.

470. Jan Erik Askildsen, Tor Iversen and Oddvar Kaarbøe (2013): Norway. In Luigi Siciliani, Michael Borowitz and Valerie Moran (eds.): Waiting Time Policies in the Health Sector: What Works? OECD Publishing.

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468. David Blandford, Ivar Gaasland and Erling Vårdal (2013): Extensification versus intensification in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture: insights from Norway. Eurochoices, 12 (3), 4-12.

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459. Arne Risa Hole, Julie Riise Kolstad, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen (2013): Inferred vs. stated attribute non-attendance in choice experiments: A study of doctors' prescription behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 96, 21-31.

458. Jurgita Januleviciute, Jan Erik Askildsen, Oddvar Kaarbøe, Tor Helge Holmås and Matt Sutton (2013): The impact of different prioritisation policies on waiting times: Case studies of Norway and Scotland. Social Science and Medicine, 97, 1-6.

457. Luigi Siciliani, Odd Rune Straume and Roberto Celini (2013): Quality competition with motivated providers and sluggish demand. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37, 2041-2061.

456. Phrashant Bharadwaj, Katrine V. Løken and Christopher Neilson (2013): Early life health interventions and academic achievement. American Economic Review, 103, 1862-1891.

455. Kurt Richard Brekke, Tor Helge Holmås and Odd Rune Straume (2013): Margins and market shares: Pharmacy incentives for generic substitution. European Economic Review, 61, 116-131.

454. Paulo Bastos, Odd Rune Straume and Jaime A. Urrego (2013): Rain, agriculture, and tariffs. Journal of International Economics, 90, 364-377.

453. Julie Riise Kolstad (2013): How does additional education affect willingness to work in rural remote areas in low-income contexts? An application on health workers in Tanzania. Journal of Development Studies, 49, 301-314.

452. Katrine V. Løken, Kjell Erik Lommerud and Shelly Lundberg (2013): Your place or mine? On the residence choice of young couples in Norway. Demography, 50, 285-310.


451. Hans K. Hvide and Eirik Gaard Kristiansen (2012): Management of knowledge workers. Journal of Law & Economics, 55, 815-838.

450. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2012): On sharing of risk and resources. In S. Reich and A.J. Zaslavski (eds.): Optimization Theory and Related Topics. Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings. Contemporary Mathematics 568, American Mathematical Society.

449. Eirik S. Amundsen and Lars Bergman (2012): Green certificates and market power on the Nordic power market. Energy Journal, 33, 101-117.

448. Kurt R. Brekke, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume (2012): Quality competition with profit constraints. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 84, 642-659.

447. Kjell Erik Lommerud, Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume (2012): North-South technology transfer in unionised multinationals. Journal of Development Economics, 99, 385-395.

446. Benedicte Carlsen, Arne Risa Hole, Julie Riise Kolstad and Ole Frithjof Norheim (2012): When you can’t have the cake and eat it too. A study of medical doctors’ priorities in complex situations. Social Science & Medicine, 75, 1964-1973.

445. Rune Jansen Hagen (2012): Certified or branded? A game-theoretic analysis of the IMF’s policy support instrument. Review of International Organization,7, 203-230.

444. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2012): Coupled projects, core imputations, and the CAPM. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 48, 170-176.

443. Adelaide Figueiredo, Fernanda Figueiredo, Natalia P. Monteiro and Odd Rune Straume (2012): Restructuring in privatised firms: A Statis approach. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 23, 108-116.

442. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2012): Exchanges and measures of risks. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 5, 249-267.

441. Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall (2012): What linear estimators miss: The effects of family income on child outcomes. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 1-35.

440. Halvor Naess, Lene Lunde, Jan Brogger and Ulrike Waje-Andreassen (2012): Fatigue among stroke patients on long-term follow up. The Bergen stroke study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 312, 138-141.

439. Arne Risa Hole and Julie Kolstad (2012): Mixed logit estimation of willingness to pay distributions: a comparison of models in preference and WTP space using data from a health-related choice experiment. Empirical Economics, 42, 445-469.

438. Kurt R. Brekke, Roberto Cellini, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume (2012): Competition in regulated markets with sluggish beliefs about quality. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 21, 131-178.

437. Kjell Erik Lommerud and Odd Rune Straume (2012): Employment protection versus flexicurity: On technology adoption in unionised firms. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 177-199.

436. Øivind Anti Nilsen, Kjell Vaage, Arild Aakvik and Karl Jacobsen (2012): Intergenerational earnings mobility revisited: Estimates based on lifetime earnings. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 1-23.


435. Sjur D. Flåm and Gabriele H. Greco (2011): Tracing the modern concept of convexity. In L. A. Petrosjan and N. A. Zenkevich: Contributions to Game Theory and Management. Volume II, 45-62. St. Petersburg: Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University.

434. David Blandford, Rolf Jens Brunstad, Ivar Gaasland and Erling Vårdal (2011): Optimal agricultural policy and PSE measurement: An assessment and application to Norway. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 6, 197-217.

433. Ivar Gaasland, Roberto Garcia and Erling Vårdal (2011): Norway. Chapter 6 in D. Orden, D. Blandford and T. Josling: WTO Disciplines on Agricultural Support. Seeking a Fair Basis for Trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

432. Eirik S. Amundsen, Per Andersen and Frank Jensen (2011): Testing for cross-subsidisation in the combined heat and power generation sector: A comparison of three tests. Energy Economics, 33, 750-757.

431. Odd Godal and Bjart Holtsmark (2011): Permit trading: Merely an efficiency-neutral redistribution away from climate-change victims? Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113, 784-797.

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429. Trond M. Døskeland and Hans Hvide (2011): Do individual investors have asymmetric information based on work experience? Journal of Finance, 66, 1011-1041.

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427. Natalia P. Monteiro, Miguel Portela and Odd Rune Straume (2011): Firm ownership and rent sharing. Journal of Labor Research, 32, 210-236.

426. Astrid L. Grasdal and Karin Monstad (2011): Inequity in the use of physician services in Norway before and after introducing patient lists in primary care. International Journal for Equity in Health, 10:25.

425. Jan Erik Askildsen, Tor Helge Holmås and Oddvar Kaarbøe (2011): Monitoring prioritisation in the public health-care sector by use of medical guidelines. The case of Norway. Health Economics, 20, 958-970.

424. Kurt R. Brekke, Tor Helge Holmås and Odd Rune Straume (2011): Reference pricing, competition, and pharmaceutical expenditures: Theory and evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Public Economics, 95, 624-638.

423. Arild Aakvik and Sigve Tjøtta (2011): Do collective actions clear common air? The effect of international environmental protocols on sulphur emissions. European Journal of Political Economy, 27, 343-351.

422. Gaute Torsvik, Anders Molander, Sigve Tjøtta and Therese Kobbeltvedt (2011): Anticipated discussion and cooperation in a social dilemma. Rationality and Society, 23, 199-216.

421. Burkhard Hehenkamp and Oddvar Kaarbøe (2011): Paying for performance in hospitals. Economic Analysis & Policy, 41, 49- 69.

420. Sturla Gjesdal, Espen Bratberg and John G. Mæland (2011): Gender differences in disability after sickness absence with musculoskeletal disorders: five-year prospective study of 37 942 women and 26 307 men. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12(1):37.

419. Kjell Erik Lommerud, Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume (2011): Mergers and capital flight in unionised oligopolies: Is there scope for a ’national champion’ policy? International Review of Economics and Finance, 20, 325-341.

418. Oddvar Kaarbøe and Luigi Siciliani (2011): Multi-tasking, quality and pay for performance. Health Economics, 20, 225-238.

417. Julie Riise Kolstad (2011): How to make rural jobs more attractive to health workers. Findings from a discrete choice experiment in Tanzania. Health Economics, 20, 196-211.


416. David Blandford, Ivar Gaasland, Roberto Garcia and Erling Vårdal (2010): How effective are WTO disciplines on domestic support and market access for agriculture? World Economy, 33, 1470-1485.

415. Kurt R. Brekke, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume (2010): Price and quality in spatial competition. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40, 471-480.

414. Ghazala Naz (2010): Usage of parental leave by fathers in Norway. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 30, 313-325.

413. Bjørn Sandvik and Lars Thorlund-Petersen (2010): Sensitivity analysis of risk tolerance. Decision Analysis, 7, 313-321.

412. Tor Helge Holmås, Egil Kjerstad, Hilde Lurås and Odd Rune Straume (2010): Does monetary punishment crowd out pro-social motivation? A natural experiment on hospital length of stay. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 75, 261-267.

411. Kai A. Konrad  and Kjell Erik Lommerud (2010): Love and taxes – and matching institutions. Canadian Journal of Economics, 43, 919-940.

410. Ottar Mæstad, Gaute Torsvik and Arild Aakvik (2010): Overworked? On the relationship between workload and health worker performance. Journal of Health Economics, 29, 686-698.

409. Kurt R. Brekke, Roberto Celini, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume (2010): Competition and quality in health care markets: A differential-game approach. Journal of Health Economics, 29, 508-523.

408. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2010): Cooperation under ambiguity. In E. Bjørndal, M. Bjørndal, P.M. Pardalos and M. Rönnqvist: Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. Springer.

407. Halvor Naess, Lene Lunde, Jan Brogger and Ulrike Waje-Andreassen (2010): Depression predicts unfavourable functional outcome and higher mortality in stroke patients: the Bergen stroke study. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia, 122, 34-38.

406. Halvor Naess, Lene Lunde, Jan Brogger and Ulrike Waje-Andreassen (2010): Post-stroke pain on long-term follow-up: The Bergen stroke study. Journal of Neurology, 257, 1446-1452.

405. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2010): Portfolio management without probabilities or statistics. Annals of Finance, 6, 357-368.

404. Vegard Iversen and Gaute Torsvik (2010): Networks, middlemen and other (urban) labour market mysteries. Indian Growth and Development Review, 3, 62-80.

403. Kjell Erik Lommerud, Trond E. Olsen and Odd Rune Straume (2010): Company taxation and merger incentives in international oligopoly: on international policy coordination with strategic trade. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 10, 161-186.

402. Arild Aakvik, Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage (2010): Measuring heterogeneity in the returns to education using an education reform. European Economic Review, 54, 483-500.

401. Ghazala Naz (2010): Effect of a family policy reform on immigrants’ labour supply and earningsLabour, 24, 74-92.

400. Jan Erik Askildsen and Øivind Anti Nilsen (2010): Markup cyclicality and input factor adjustments. Emipirical Economics,  38, 409-428.

399. Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås and M. Kamrul Islam (2010): Does variation in general practitioner (GP) practice matter for the length of sick leave? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP-patient data. Social Science and Medicine, 70, 1590-1598.

398. Odd Godal and Frode Meland (2010): Permit markets, seller cartels and the impact of strategic buyers. The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 10 (1) (Advances), Article 29.

397. Kristin Linnerud and Steinar Vagstad (2010): Access pricing with regulated downstream competition and upstream externalities. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 37, 77-96.

396. Fredrik Carlsen and Oddvar M. Kaarbøe (2010): Norwegian priority guidelines: Estimating the distributional implications across age, gender and SES. Health Policy, 95, 264-270.

395. Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås (2010): Trade in goods and services: Two sides of the same coin? Economic Modelling, 27(2), 496-506.

394. M. Kamrul Islam, Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Philip Clarke and Kristina Burström (2010): Does income-related health inequality change as the population ages? Evidence from Swedish panel data. Health Economics, 19, 334-349.

393. Espen Bratberg, Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage (2010): Has job stability decreased? Population data from a small open economy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112, 163-183.

392. S.D. Flåm and L. Koutsougeras (2010): Private information, transferable utility, and the core. Economic Theory, 42, 591-609.

391. Jan Erik Askildsen, Tor Helge Holmås and Oddvar Kaarbøe (2010): Prioritization and patients’ rights: Analysing the effect of a reform in the Norwegian hospital sector. Social Science and Medicine, 70, 199-208.

390. Tore Ellingsen, Magnus Johannesson, Sigve Tjøtta and Gaute Torsvik (2010): Testing guilt aversion. Games and Economic Behavior, 68, 95-107.

389. Katrine V. Løken (2010): Family income and children’s education: Using the Norwegian oil boom as a natural experiment. Labour Economics, 17 (1), 118-129.


388. Eirik S. Amundsen and Gjermund Nese (2009): Integration of tradable green certificate markets: What can be expected? Journal of Policy Modeling, 31, 903-922.

387. S. D. Flåm, J. B. Hiriart-Urruty and A. Jourani (2009): Feasibility in finite time. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 15, 537-555.

386. Kurt R. Brekke and Odd Rune Straume (2009): Pharmaceutical Patents: Incentives for research and development or marketing? Southern Economic Journal, 351-374.

385. Sturla Gjesdal, Espen Bratberg and John Gunnar Mæland (2009): Musculoskeletal impairments in the Norwegian working population: The prognostic role of diagnoses and socioeconomic status. Spine, 34, 1519-1525.

384. Rune Jansen Hagen (2009): Basic analytics of multilateral lending and surveillance. Journal of International Economics, 79, 126-136.

383. Sjur D. Flåm, Ivar Gaasland and Erling Vårdal (2009): On deregulation food prices. Computational Economics, 34 (3), 309-322.

382. Paulo Bastos, Natalia P. Monteiro and Odd Rune Straume (2009): Firm heterogeneity and wages in unionised labour markets: Theory and evidence. Labour Economics, 16, 440-450.

381. Magnus Hatlebakk (2009): Capacity-constrained collusive price discrimination in informal rural credit markets of Nepal. Review of Development Economics, 13, 70-86.

380. Kurt R. Brekke, Astrid L. Grasdal and Tor Helge Holmås (2009): Reference pricing or prize cap regulation? European Economic Review, 53, 170-185.

379. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2009): Risk premium and non-smooth utility. Journal of Risk, 11, 87-99.

378. S. D. Flåm and Y. M. Ermoliev (2009): Investment, uncertainty, and production games. Environment and Development Economics, 14, 51-66.

377. Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John Gunnar Mæland (2009): Sickness absence with psychiatric diagnoses: individual and contextual predictors of permanent disability. Health and Place, 15, 308-314.

376. Sjur Didrik Flåm (2009): Pooling, pricing and trading of risks. Annals of Operations Research, 165, 145-160.

375. Kjell Erik Lommerud, Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume (2009): Can deunionization lead to international outsourcing? Journal of International Economics, 77, 109-119.