EU-finansiert forskning

Engaged Kick-off

Engaged-prosjektet starter opp med en tredagers konferanse i Bergen.

Bergen - oversiktsbilde
Frode Ims




Day 1

09.30Welcome – presentation of participants and outline of the three days by Scientific Coordinator Oddrun Samdal
10.30Refreshment break 

WP2 – progress on research questions for scoping review by Antony Morgan

12.00WP5 – Dissemination – Delphi process and final conference by Margarida Gaspar de Matos
12.30 Lunch 
13.30Greetings from Department Chair Fungi Ottemöller addressing intersectional perspectives
14.00WP4 – Living Lab Review - presentation by Lara Murvartian y Carrascal
15.00Refreshment break
15.15 Conceptual discussion part 1 – Disadvantaged vulnerable groups – diversity for trust in democracy. Introduction by Carmen Moreno, Conchi Moreno-Maldonado, Lara Murvartian y Carrascal, and Mar González
16.15WP4 – Living Labs – progress so far and first outline of plans 
19.00Continued conceptual discussions and dinner at Bryggeloftet https://www.bryggeloftet.no/menu https://maps.app.goo.gl/doPKR2wGS6UDtGi56 

Day 2

09.30Networking. Coffee and tea will be available 
10.00Conceptual discussion part 2- what kind of civic participation should we differentiate between? Introduction by Bente Wold 
11.30Refreshment break
12.00HBSC optional packages on civic participation– recruitment of more countries – what can we offer?  By Bente Wold and Oddrun Samdal


13.30  What have we promised to deliver and how do we achieve it?  
Chaired by Oddrun Samdal

- Interconnections between WP2-WP5 – collaboration and division of tasks 

- Ph.D. and postdoctoral projects – collaboration on and division of research questions 

15.00Refreshment break      
15.30WP1 – Project management 
Presentations by Project Officer Paloma Martin from the Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission, Oddrun Samdal, Hege Høiland and Maria Kråkenes

19:00Continued conceptual discussions and dinner at To Kokker https://www.tokokker.no/meny/ (They are informed we want vegetarian options as well) https://maps.app.goo.gl/J3ebD9eCVvtcyvn59  

Day 3

09.30Networking. . Coffee and tea will be available. Refreshments
10.00Conceptual discussion part 3 – what identities should we identify (cultural, social, political, European)? Introduction by Adriana Baban, Diana Tăut, and Oana Marcu  

WP3 – Preparation of focus group interviews to understand cultural, social and political identities and civic participation concepts  


Summary of conceptual connections and closing discussion. Chaired by Oddrun Samdal


Refreshment break - Networking 

15.00General Assembly and end of Kick-off
19.00Dinner (optional)