
Customer Insights Manager in Lloyds Banking Group

Olga Poletaeva finnished her master's degree in System Dynamics in 2018. She now works as a Customer Insights Manage in Lloyds Banking Group.


I feel grateful having had the opportunity to study this programme and cannot underestimate the broader wonderful impact it had on my life.

Why did you choose to study System Dynamics?

After finishing my BA Degree in Management I felt like I needed to learn more skills to effectively compete in the job market. Having been to a couple of semesters abroad during my bachelor degree I fell in love with Europe and knew I wanted to continue my education there. Studying System Dynamics as part of Erasmus Mundus programme felt like the perfect match that combined my desire to study in Europe with learning a unique way of thinking that should give me a competitive edge.

(Fast forward - it certainly did!)

What is your best memories from the System Dynamics studies in Bergen?

I would say the first thing is the friendships I made during my time in Bergen with people from my course, other students in Bergen University and even professors. With some of the people I am still in touch 7 years later!

The second thing is of course the domain and technical knowledge that is shared by the brilliant professors in Bergen University (and guest lecturers) that have a wealth of practitioner experience as well as academic publications.

And finally, the scenery! The words don't do justice to Norwegian nature and the kinds of views that you can get - from a berry-picking forest walk near Fantoft to an adventurous hike to see the fjords. Visiting some of the places in Norway was one of the highlights for me!

What did you study in your master's project?

My Master Thesis explored dynamic decision making in resource allocation task. I have created a gamified experience based on a system dynamics SIR model, that involved people making dynamic decisions in trying to eradicate competing infectious diseases.

What is your current occupation?

Currently I am part of Customer Insights team in one of the biggest UK Retail banks, working on various projects that mainly focus on understanding the customers and their needs and how can we best characterise and address them.

How is System Dynamics of relevance for you in your work?

Before my current role I have joined the company as a System Dynamics modeller. So that was a direct application of all core System Dynamics skills and capabilities that I have acquired during the programme.

Having moved since to my current role just over a year ago, the type of activities I do now have changed, but a lot of the skills were transferable and quite valuable. Currently the skills that I actively use in my day to day role are critical thinking, complex problem solving, workshop facilitation and stakeholder management.

What is your advice to new System Dynamics students?

System Dynamics is a methodology, but to me it is becoming truly powerful when you apply it to real life problems. So while it's certainly important to master the technical skill, what I would say is equally important is to find what application area interests you.

Try various projects and application domains, see what fits with your values and interest, and dive into applying the skills you learn in that area. This is how true System Dynamics magic happens through a practitioner - a passion for an application domain meets the brilliance of System Dynamics skill.

But studies aside - enjoy your time during the programme and make friends! There is a very high chance the people you meet during the programme will stay your friends for years to come!

Other comments

I have completed the System Dynamics course as part of the Erasmus Mundus programme, so have been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity and discover not only Bergen University, but also NOVA University in Lisbon, Nijmegen University and USI University in Lugano (during my thesis semester). I can say for me personally it was an incredible and unique experience. I feel grateful having had the opportunity to study this programme and cannot underestimate the broader wonderful impact it had on my life.