International Epilepsy congress in Istanbul
Several scientists from Bergen Epilepsy Research Group (BERG) presented their research projects at the 31st International Epilepsy Congress in Istanbul.

During the 31st International Epilepsy Congress, Istanbul, 5.-9. September 2015 several reserachers from BERG presented their recent results. Kjersti Power wun a best poster award with her poster «Cognitive function after status epilepticus”. Eivind Kolstad and Kim Danielsson were awarded a young investigators bursary from the International League Against Epilepsy. Kolstad presented his results “Pregnant women with epilepsy: overweight increases complications” at the “Womens issues” platform session together with Marte Helene Bjørk with her topic “Sexual abuse in women with epilepsy, and Kim Danilesson on "Hypertensive obstetric complications in women with epilepsy and antiepileptic drug exposure."