Forskningsgruppe for svangerskap, fosterutvikling og fødsel


2024 Alexander Vietheer: Human embryonic development: Effects of physical activity and sleep in physiological pregnancies

2023 Anne Kvie Sande: Early-onset preeclampsia in the balance of Immunology and Pregnancy: Risk factors, the Role of Allergy, and potential protection by Antihistamine use

2022 Lorentz Linde: Postpartum hemorrhage in families

2019 Agnethe Lund: Maternal diabetes mellitus and fetal venous liver flow —a longitudinal study

2019 Linn Marie Sørbye: Maternal weight, weight change and perinatal outcomes: Can physical activity and gestational weight gain modify the risk?

2018 Julie Sletten: Circadian rhythms of the fetal heart rate and heart rate variation in low-risk and pre-gestational diabetic pregnancies. Studies on long-term antenatal cardiotocographic recordings.

2016 Henriette Odland Karlsen: Maternal influence on fetal size and use of longitudinal fetal surveillance in predicting adverse perinatal outcomes.