Liste over utvalgte publikasjoner fra forskergruppens medlemmer.
Øgaard, T.F. (2025). Entailment Generalized. I: Sedlár, I., Standefer, S., Tedder, A. (red) New Directions in Relevant Logic. Trends in Logic, vol 63. Springer, Cham. doi:
Øgaard, T.F. (2025). Withered Relevance. I: Sedlár, I., Standefer, S., Tedder, A. (red) New Directions in Relevant Logic. Trends in Logic, vol 63. Springer, Cham. doi:
Øgaard, T.F. (2025). Edwin Mares. The Logic of Entailment and its History. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2024, xv + 264 pp. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 30(3), 422–424. doi: https://doi.or/10.1017/bsl.2024.31
Commandeur, L. (2024). Models and monism. Asian Journal of Philosophy 3(2):1-13. doi:
Huvenes, T. T. (2024). The Exactness of Communication. Synthese, 204, 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s11229-024-04759-w.
Zahle, J. & Huvenes, T. T. (2024). Examen Philosophicum fra Allmenndannelse til Ekspertdannelse. Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 59, 3-13. doi: 10.18261/nft.59.1-2.2.
Martin, B., & Thomassen Hjortland, O. (2024). Anti-exceptionalism about logic (Part I): From naturalism to anti-exceptionalism. Philosophy Compass, e13014.
van Remmen, M. Inquiry, reasoning and the normativity of logic. Synthese, 203, 97 (2024).
Skiba, L. (2024). Higher-order being and time. Noûs, 1–31.
de Souter, L. (2024). Evaluating Boolean relationships in Configurational Comparative Methods. Journal of Causal Inference, 12(1), 20230014.
Øgaard, T.F. (2024) Simplified semantics for further relevant logics I: Unreduced semantics for E and Π′. Logic and Logical Philosophy. doi: 10.12775/LLP.2024.021 (Open Access)
- Øgaard, T.F. (2024) Simplified semantics for further relevant logics II: Propositional constants. Logic and Logical Philosophy. doi: 10.12775/LLP.2024.022 (Open Access)
- Commandeur, L. (2023).Logical Instrumentalism and Anti-exceptionalism about Logic. Erkenntniss. doi:
- Øgaard, T.F. (2023) A Study in Relevant Logics. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen (PhD-avhandling)
- Øgaard, T.F. (2023) Relevance through topical unconnectedness: Ackermann and Plumwood's motivational ideas on entailment. Australasian Journal of Logic. 29(2): 154–187. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v29i2.8284 (Open Access)
- Øgaard, T.F. (2023) The weak variable sharing property. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 52(1): 85–99. doi: 10.18778/0138-0680.2023.05 (Open Access)
- Martin, B. & Hjortland, O.T. (2022). Anti-exceptionalism about logic as tradition rejection. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03653-7.
- Martin, B. (2022). Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic and the Burden of Explanation. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. doi: 10.1017/can.2022.14.
- Martin, B. (2022). The philosophy of logical practice. Metaphilosophy. 53(2–3): 267–283. doi: 10.1111/meta.12552.
- Fjellstad, A. (2022). Expressing logical disagreement from within. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03667-1.
- Huvenes, T.T. (2022). Individuation by agreement and disagreement. Inquiry. doi: 10.1080/0020174X.2022.2051203.
- Commandeur, L. (2022). Against telic monism in logic. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03497-1.
- Øgaard, T.F. (2021). Confused entailment. Topoi. doi: 10.1007/s11245-021-09758-x.
- Erickson, E. F. (2021) On the metaphysics of (epistemological) logical anti-exceptionalism. Principia. 25(1): 59–71. doi: 10.5007/1808-1711.2021.e80109.
- Øgaard, T.F. (2021). From Hilbert Proofs to Consecutions and Back. Australasian Journal of Logic. 18(2): 51–72. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v18i2.6770.
- Øgaard, T.F. (2021). Non-Boolean Classical Relevant Logics II: Classicality through truth-constants. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-021-03065-z.
- Antonsen, P. (2020). Self-Location in Interactive Fiction. The British Journal of Aesthetics. doi: 10.1093/aesthj/ayaa037.
- Erickson, E. (2020). Anti-Excepcionalismo e a Metodologia da Lógica. Perspectiva Filosófica, 47(2), 502–528.
- Martin, B. (2020). Introduction to the Book. In Introduction to Philosophy: Logic. (pp. 8–10).
- Martin, B. (Ed.). (2020). Introduction to Philosophy: Logic. Rebus.
- Martin, B. & Hjortland, O. (2020). Logical Predictivism. Journal of Philosophical Logic. doi: 10.1007/s10992-020-09566-5. Impact: Google scholar
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Farewell to Suppression-Freedom. Logica Universalis, 14(3), 297–330. doi: 10.1007/s11787-020-00255-0.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Boolean negation and non-conservativity I: Relevant modal logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa019. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Boolean negation and non-conservativity II: The variable-sharing property. Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa020. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Boolean negation and non-conservativity III: the Ackermann constant. Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa021. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2020). Logical Nihilism and the Logic of ‘prem’. Logic and Logical Philosophy. doi: 10.12775/LLP.2020.023. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2020). Structural proof theory for first-order weak Kleene logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. doi: 10.1080/11663081.2020.1782593. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2020). Identifying Logical Evidence. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-020-02618-y. Impact: Google scholar
- Øgaard, T. F. (2019). Non-Boolean Classical Relevant Logics I. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02507-z. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2019). Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic: Introduction. Australasian Journal of Logic, 16(7), 186. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v16i7.5913.
- Antonsen, P. (2019). Logical truth. Australasian Journal of Logic, 16(7), 187–201. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v16i7.5914.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2019). What Counts as Evidence for a Logical Theory. Australasian Journal of Logic, 16(7), 250–282. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v16i7.5912. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2019). Herzberger’s Limit Rule with Labelled Sequent Calculus. Studia Logica, 108(4), 815–855 doi: 10.1007/s11225-019-09878-x.
- Fjellstad, A. (2019). A note on the cut-elimination proof in "Truth without contra(di)ction". The Review of Symbolic Logic. doi: 10.1017/S1755020319000571. Impact: Google scholar.
- Antonsen, P. (2019). Fictional reports. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02427-y.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2019) Substitution in Relevant Logics. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 13(3), 655–680. doi: 10.1017/S1755020319000467. Impact: Google scholar
- Hjortland, O. T. (2019) Disagreement about logic. Inquiry. doi: 10.1080/0020174X.2019.1651084. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2019). Relative plausibility and a prescriptive theory of evidence assessment. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 23(1–2), 1–7. doi: 10.1177/1365712718815013. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2019). Searching for Deep Disagreement in Logic: The Case of Dialetheism. Topoi, 1–12. doi: 10.1007/s11245-019-09639-4. Impact: Google scholar
- Evelyn, E. (2018). Realismo lógico e a metafísica da lógica (translation). Perspectiva Filosófic, 45(1), 122–140.
- Antonsen, P. (2018). Scorekeeping. Analysis, 78(4), 589–595. doi: 10.1093/analys/anx145.
- Fjellstad, A. (2018). Infinitary Contraction‐Free Revenge. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 7(3), 179–189. doi: 10.1002/tht3.382. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O., & Standefer, S. (2018). Inferentialism, structure, and conservativeness. In From Rules to Meanings: New Essays on Inferentialism (pp. 115–140). doi: 10.4324/9781315103587-6. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2018). In defence of dialetheism: a reply to Beziau and Tkaczyk. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 27(2), 205–233. doi: 10.12775/LLP.2017.030. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2018). What is a Contradiction?. In Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (pp. 203–304).
- Martin, B. (2018). Identifying Logical Evidence. In Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (pp. 254–256).
- Field, H., Lederman, H., & Øgaard, T. F. (2017). Prospects for a naive theory of classes. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 58(4), 461–506. doi: 10.1215/00294527-2017-0010. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2017). Non-classical Elegance for Sequent Calculus Enthusiasts. Studia Logica, 105(1), 93–119. doi: 10.1007/s11225-016-9683-y. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2017). Anti-exceptionalism about logic. Philosophical Studies, 174(3), 631–658. doi: 10.1007/s11098-016-0701-8. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2017). Skolem functions in non-classical logics. Australasian Journal of Logic, 14(1), 181–225. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v14i1.4031. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2016). Omega-inconsistency without cuts and nonstandard models. Australasian Journal of Logic, 13(5), 96–122. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v13i5.3900. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2016). Naive Modus Ponens and Failure of Transitivity. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 45(1), 65–72. doi: 10.1007/s10992-015-9351-0. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2016). Fortellinger og plausibilitet: Et svar til Frode Helmich Pedersen. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 129(4), 450–461. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2016). Rejectivism and the Challenge of Pragmatic Contradictions. Disputatio, 8(43), 253–267. doi: 10.2478/disp-2016-0015. Impact: Google scholar.
- Roy, O., & Hjortland, O. T. (2016). Dynamic consequence for soft information. Journal of Logic and Computation, 26(6), 1843–1864. doi: 10.1093/logcom/exu040. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2016). Paths to triviality. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 45(3), 237–276. doi: 10.1007/s10992-015-9374-6. Impact: Google scholar.
- Caret, C. R., & Hjortland, O. T. (Eds.). (2015). Foundations of logical consequence. OUP Oxford. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198715696.001.0001. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2015). How a semantics for tonk should be. Review of Symbolic Logic 8(3), 488–505. doi: 10.1017/S1755020314000513. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2015). En metode for bevisbedømmelsen i straffesaker. In Aarli, R., Hedlund, M.-A. & Jebens, S.E. (red.): Bevis I straffesaker: Utvalgte emner. Oslo: Gyldendal, 507–534.
- Martin, B. (2015). Dialetheism and the Impossibility of the World. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 93(1), 61–75. doi: 10.1080/00048402.2014.956768. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2014). Speech acts, categoricity, and the meanings of logical connectives. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 55(4),445–467. doi: 10.1215/00294527-2798700. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2014). Verbal disputes in logic: Against minimalism for logical connectives. Logique et Analyse, 227, 463–486. doi: 10.2143/LEA.227.0.3053514. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2014). Helheter og deler i bevisbedømmelsen. I Andersson, S. og Lainpelto, K. (red.): Festskrift til Christian Diesen. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik, 405–426.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2013). Logical pluralism, meaning-variance, and verbal disputes. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 91(2), 355–373. doi: 10.1080/00048402.2011.648945. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2013). Bevisbedømmelse i praksis. Fagbokforlaget. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2013). Bevis for modus operandi, og modus operandi som bevis. I Høgberg, A.P., Schea, T.E. og Torgersen, R. (red.): Rettssikker radikaler. Festskrift til Ståle Eskeland, 70 år. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 149–170.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2013). Dialetheic Paths to Triviality. In Handbook of the 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, (pp.167–168).
- Kolflaath, E. (2011). Bevist utover enhver rimelig tvil. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, 124(02), 135–196. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2011). Bevisteoretiske perspektiver. I Aarli, R., DNA-bevis. Rettssikkerhet ved bruk av DNA-sakkyndighet i kampen mot kriminalitet. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 132–160.
- Kolflaath, E. (2010). Holdbarhet og relevans. I Lavik, T. & Nyvold, H. (red.): Dannelse i kontekst? ELE-tradisjonen i endring. Bergen: Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier, Universitetet i Bergen, 94–111.
- Kolflaath, E. (2008). Sannsynlighetsovervekt og kumulering av tvil. Lov og Rett, 47(03), 149–165. Impact: Google Scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2007). Bevisbedømmelse som slutning til beste forklaring. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, 120(01–02), 171–219. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2004). Språk og argumentasjon: med eksempler fra juss. Fagbokforlaget. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2004). Bevisbedømmelse – sannsynlighet eller fortellinger? Jussens Venner, 39(5-6), 279–304. Impact: Google scholar.