Kant and German Idealism
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Carola Freiin von Villiez (UiB), Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Merle (Vechta)
Physical presence meeting at the University of Bergen
Friday, September 8:
Location: Lauritz Meltzers hus (SV-bygget) Seminarrom 744
10:00-10:15: Welcome and brief explanation of programme
10:15-10:35: Brief self-introduction of teaching staff participants
10:35-13:00: Brief self-introduction of students and presentation of projects or interests
13:00-14:00: Lunch break at Vinbar16
14:00-14:30: Yuliia Tereshchenko (Poznan): “Hegel’s Theory of Action”
14:30-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30: Coffee break
15:30-16:15: Prof. Dr. Franz Knappik: “The postcolonial discussion about progress and Kant”
16:15-17:00: Discussion
Saturday, September 9:
Location: Lauritz Meltzers hus (SV-bygget) Seminarrom 744
10:00-10:30: Sven Ender: “Freedom in Kant's and Fichte's Thinking”
10:30-11:00: Discussion
11:00-11:30: Prof. Dr. Brian O´Connor: “Kant on Worth and Usefulness”.
11:30-12:00: Discussion
12:00-12:45: Assoc. Prof. Hans-Marius Hansteen: “Rememberance and Hope: Kant’s Historical
Sign in rhetorical Perspective”
12:45-13:15: Discussion
13:15-14:15: Lunch break at Vinbar16
14:15: Excursion to Fløyen – bring along solid shoes and a rain-coat! (funicular)
Sunday, September 10:
Free day – enjoy the weather!
Monday, September 11:
Location: Lauritz Meltzers hus (SV-bygget) Seminarrom 744
10:00-10:30: Eike Kroner: “Science and/or Art? The need for new forms in philosophy afterGerman idealism”10:30-11:00: Discussion
11:00-11:45: Prof. Dr. Georg Mohr: “Kant on moral progress”11:45-12:15 Discussion
12:15-12:45: Francisco Maia: “Progress and the Highest Good: trouble at the heart of thePostulates”12:45-13:15: Discussion
13:15-14:30: Lunch break at Studentsenteret
14:30-15:00: Inês Pinheiro: “The Kantian Progress of the Unsociables: Bridging History andMorals in an Agonistic Reality”15:00-15:30: Discussion
15:30-16:00: Coffee break
16:00-17:00: Collective interpretation of Immanuel Kant: “Part One. Concerning the indwelling ofthe evil principle alongside the good or of the radical evil in human nature. In A.Wood / G. Di Giovanni (transl.): Immanuel Kant. Religion and Rational Theology.Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy 1998, pp. 69-97.
Tuesday, September 12:
Location: Studentsenteret Seminarrom C / Seminarrom B after lunch
10:00-10:30: Eduardo Estevão Quirino: “Thinking about responsibility in social media in theshadows of Kantianism”10:30-11:00: Discussion
11:00-11:30 Emma Laivinia Bon: “Experiencing the void: Derrida and the deconstruction ofreligion”11:30-12:00: Discussion
12:00-13:00: Lunch break at Studentsenteret
13:00-13:45: Prof. Dr. Beatrix Himmelmann “Kant and St. Paul on Law, Love and Grace“13:45-14:15: Discussion
14:15-15:30: Frank Rettweiler: “Schleiermacher – introduction to the second speech”
15:30-16:15: Collective interpretation of Schleiermacher On Religion: Speeches to its cultureddespisers. “Second speech: On the Essence of Religion”. In: R. Crouter (transl.):Schleiermacher on Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. CambridgeUniversity Press 1996, pp.18-54.
16:15-16:30: Brainstorming for the upcoming virtual round and concluding remarks
Participating universities:
University of Bergen (Norway)
Universität Vechta (Germany)
Dublin City University (DCU) (Ireland)
University College Dublin (UCD) (Ireland)
Södertörns Högskola (Sweden)
Università di Torino, Turin (Italy)
NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal)
Arctic University of Norway (Norway)
Universität Bremen (Germany)
Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Poznan University (Poland)
1. Prof. Dr. Carola Freiin von Villiez (Bergen) carola.villiez@uib.no
2. Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Merle (Vechta) jean-christophe.merle@uni-vechta.de
3. Prof. Dr. Franz Knappik (Bergen) franz.knappik@uib.no
4. Assoc. Prof. Hans-Marius Hansteen (Bergen) hans.hansteen@uib.no
5. Prof. Dr. Beatrix Himmelmann (Tromsø) beatrix.himmelmann@uit.no
6. Dr. João Rodrigues Lemos, research fellow (Lisbon) joaolemos@fcsh.unl.pt
7. Gabriele de Angelis (Lisbon) gabriele@fcsh.unl.pt / gabriele.deangelis@fcsh.unl.pt
8. Prof. Dr. Georg Mohr (Bremen) gmohr@uni-bremen.de
9. Prof. Dr. Brian O´Connor (Dublin) brian.oconnor@ucd.ie
10. Prof. Dr. Eileen Brennan (Dublin) Eileen.Brennan@dcu.ie
11. Prof. Dr. Gaetano Chiurazzi (Torino) gaetano.chiurazzi@unito.it
12. Aleksei Bremen (Stockholm) egorovcorvus@gmail.com
13. Alexander Olofsson (Stockholm) alexander.olofsson@live.com
14. Eike Kroner (Bremen) kroner@uni-bremen.de
15. Sven Arvid Ender (Essen) sven.ender@uni-due.de
16. Inês Cruz Macieira dos Santos Pinheiro (Lisbon) ines.pinheiro@campus.fcsh.unl.pt
17. Francisco Salgado Machado Maia (Lisbon) fsalgadomaia@gmail.com
18. Frank Rettweiler (Vechta) frank.rettweiler@posteo.de
19. Egyle Hannah do Nascimento Lopes (Curitiba/Vechta) egyleh@gmail.com
20. Lorenna Fyama Pereira Marques (Curitiba/Vechta) lorennafyama@gmail.com
21. Indalécio Robson Rocha (Curitiba/Vechta) indaleciorobson.rocha@gmail.com
22. Yuliia Tereshchenko (Poznan) juliia.tereshchenko@amu.edu.pl
23. Eduardo Estevão Quirino eduardoquirinio@gmail.com
24. Emma Lavinia Bon (Torino) emmalavinia@gmail.com