Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop
Torsdag 5. og fredag 6. desember vil den tolvte utgaven av Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop bli arrangert ved Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier.
![Glass Orb with Patterns](×tamp=1731500686)
Torsdag 5.12
11.10 Kaffe og velkomst
11.25-12.40 James Fraser (IHPST Paris)
Laws of Nature on Different Scales
14-15.15 Michael Miller (Univ. of Toronto)
Precision and Determinacy
15.25-16.40 Luna de Souter (Univ. of Bergen)
Restoring Reductiveness in Regularity Theories of Causation
16.50-18.05 Sam Fletcher (Oxford Univ.)
The Limits of Approximation
Fredag 6.12
9.45 Kaffe
10-11.15 Daniele Molinini (Univ. of Bologna)
Mapping‑Based Accounts of Applicability and Converse Applications
11.25-12.40 Karen Crowther (Univ. of Oslo)
Dumb holes: Universality or Analogy?
14-15.15 Monica Solomon (Bilkent Univ.)
The Road Less Traveled to the Distinction between Absolute and Relative Motion: Newton’s De Motu manuscripts
15.30-16.45 Richard Dawid (Univ. of Stockholm)
Unification and Surprise: How Unification gets confirmatory
17. Avluttning