Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop
Torsdag 5. og fredag 6. desember vil den tolvte utgaven av Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop bli arrangert ved Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier.

Torsdag 5.12
11.10 Kaffe og velkomst
11.25-12.40 James Fraser (IHPST Paris)
Laws of Nature on Different Scales
14-15.15 Michael Miller (Univ. of Toronto)
Precision and Determinacy
15.25-16.40 Luna de Souter (Univ. of Bergen)
Restoring Reductiveness in Regularity Theories of Causation
16.50-18.05 Sam Fletcher (Oxford Univ.)
The Limits of Approximation
Fredag 6.12
9.45 Kaffe
10-11.15 Daniele Molinini (Univ. of Bologna)
Mapping‑Based Accounts of Applicability and Converse Applications
11.25-12.40 Karen Crowther (Univ. of Oslo)
Dumb holes: Universality or Analogy?
14-15.15 Monica Solomon (Bilkent Univ.)
The Road Less Traveled to the Distinction between Absolute and Relative Motion: Newton’s De Motu manuscripts
15.30-16.45 Richard Dawid (Univ. of Stockholm)
Unification and Surprise: How Unification gets confirmatory
17. Avluttning