Artikler/ Kaptiler
Dovran, A., Winje, D., Arefjord, A., & Haugland, B. S. M. (submitted 2008). Posttraumatic reactions in out-of-home placement: A systematic review
Snipstad, M. B., Lie, G. Th., & Winje, D. (submitted 2008). Child Rights or Wrongs: Dilemmas in implementing support for children in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania, in the era of globalised AIDS approaches. In Tatjana Thelen & Haldis Haukanes (Eds.) Reframing Parenthood and Childhood. Global Trends, Institutional Transformations, and Local Responses. Oxford/Berghahn books.
Kornør, H., Winje, D., Ekeberg, Ø., Weisæth, L., Kirkehei, I., Johansen, K., & Steiro, A. (2008). Early trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy to prevent chronic post-traumatic stress disorder and related symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 8, 81.
Kornør H, Winje D, Ekeberg Ø, Johansen K, Weisæth L., Ormstad SS, Steiro AK, Fretheim, A. (2007). Psykososiale tiltak ved ulykker og kriser. Kunnskapsoppsummering fra Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter for Helsetjenesten. Rapport Nr 14-2007. Oslo: NAKS.
Kornør, H., Weisæth, L., Winje, D., Egeberg, Ø., Daae, C., Swensen, E., Tinderholt Myrhaug, H., Ormstad, S. S. (2006). Psykososiale tiltak ved storulykker og katastrofer. Kunnskapsoppsummering fra Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter for Helsetjenesten. Rapport Nr 8-2006. Oslo: NAKS
Snipstad, M. B., Lie, G. Th., & Winje, D. (2005). Worries in Tanzanian Children. African Journal of AIDS Research, 4, 183-193.
Winje, D. (2003). Psychiatric morbidity among parents and offspring during 10 years after a fatal bus accident. European Psychotherapy 2003; 4(Suppl Special edition):199.
Mellgren, S. I., Myhr, K. M., Haugstad, R. C., Winje, D., & Jensen, M. G. (2004). Mai-Elins mamma har MS. (Bokoversettelse fra svensk). Stockholm: Serono Nordic AB/Neurologiskt Handikappades Riksförbund, Sverige/MSforbundet, Norge . ISBN 82-303-0155-7. 49 s.
Winje, D., Dovran, A., & Murison, R. (2003). Spørreskjema om Traumer i Barndom og Ungdom. (Instrumentoversettelse fra engelsk: David P. Bernstein; Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Translated and reproduced by permission from The Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Assessment Company. Norwegian translation copyright © 2003 by The Psychological Corporation. Norsk oversettelse tilgjengelig fra forlaget.
Winje, D., Dovran, A., & Murison, R. (2003). CPTSDI (Instrumentoversettelse fra engelsk: Philip A. Saigh; Children's PTSD Inventory (CPTSDI). Translated and reproduced by permission from The Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Assessment Company. Norwegian translation copyright © 2003 by The Psychological Corporation. Norsk oversettelse tilgjengelig fra forlaget.
Winje, D. & Tungodden, N. (2001). Impact of Event Scale Revised (IES-R). (Instrumentoversettelse fra engelsk: Weiss, D. S. & Marmar, C. R. (1997). The Impact of Event Sacle Revised. In J. P. Wilson, & T. M. Keane (Eds.), Assessing Psychological Trauma and PTSD: A practitioner's Handbook. (pp 399-411). New York: Guilford). Translated and reproduced by permission from Daniel S. Weiss. Norsk oversettelse tilgjengelig fra D. Winje, Avd klin. Psyk., Universitetet i Bergen.
Berntsen, Stina Lill; Frøyshov, Fredrik; Winje, Dagfinn. (2008). The Laksevaag Study: Exploring Long-term Psychological Effects of the Laksevaag Bombing 62 Years Post Trauma. Det psykologiske fakultet: Universitetet i Bergen 2008 48 s.
Johannessen, Silje Fremgaard; Strand, Kristin Berge; Vevle, Elin; Winje, Dagfinn. (2007). Long Term Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress - A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies. Institutt for klinisk psykologi: Universitetet i Bergen 2007 60 s.
Gripsgård, Øyvor; Harstad, Venil; Winje, Dagfinn. (2005). After the bus accident in Måbødalen, 1988: An explorative study of long-term general psychological distress. Faculty of Psychology: University of Bergen 2005 62 s.
Handgaard, Gunhild Sandvik; Olsen, Karine; Winje, Dagfinn. (2005). The long-term course of chronic PTSD. Traumatic reactions after the Måbødal-accident. Faculty of Psychology: University of Bergen, Norway 2005 55 s.
Berge, Sigrid; Egeland, Lina Thorsnes; Jakobsen, Jorid Johanna; Winje, Dagfinn. (2004). After the bus accident in Måbødalen, 1988: En explorative study of coping efforts in the psychological adjustment process.. University of Bergen, Norway: Faculty of Psychology 2004 52 s.
Holmén, Aina; Winje, Dagfinn. (2003). After the bus accident in Måbødalen 1988: Intrusion and avoidance as predictors of long-term general psychological distress.. University of Bergen, Norway: Faculty of Psychology 2003 42 s.