Arbeidsnotat og rapporter
- Maja Weemes Grøtting and Otto Sevaldson Lillebø (2017): Health Effects of Retirement. Evidence from Norwegian Survey and Register Data. Working Paper, Universitetet i Bergen 2017.
- Andreas Kostøl, Magne Mogstad and David Autor (2017): Disability Benefits, Consumption Insurance, and Household Labor Supply. Working Paper.
- Andreas Kostøl (2017): Mismatch and the Consequences of Job Loss. Working Paper.
- Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmås, Karin Monstad (2017): The causal effect of workload on the labour supply of older employees Working paper (2017).
- Torsvik, Gaute, Vaage, Kjell (2016): Skipping the doctor: Evidence from a case with extended self-certification of sickness absence. Working Paper, Gruppe for trygdeøkonomi, Universitetet i Bergen 2016
- Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken and Magne Mogstad (2016): Incarceration, recidivism and employment. Working paper (2016)
- Leroy Andersland and Øivind A. Nilsen (2016): Cash-for-care benefits and formal childcare attendance. Working Paper, Gruppe for trygdeøkonomi, Universitetet i Bergen 2016, 36s.
- Johnsen, Julian Vedeler; Løken, Katrine Vellesen: Likestilling og framtidens familiepolitikk. NHO 2016 24 s.
- Johnsen, Julian Vedeler; Løken, Katrine Vellesen: Nordisk familjepolitik och jämställdhet på arbetsmarknaden. SNS analys 2016 19 s.
- Espen Bratberg, Jonathan Davis, Bhashkar Mazumder, Martin Nybom, Daniel Schnitzlein, Kjell Vaage (2015): A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S. Working paper (2015).
- Arild Aakvik and Gaute Torsvik (2015): Productivity Dynamics and Sickness Absence around Childbirth Working paper (2015).
- Julie Riise, Arne Risa Hole, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, and Diane Skåtun: (2015): GPs’ implicit prioritization through clinical choices – evidence from three national health services.
- Julian V. Johnsen and Kjell Vaage (2015): Spouses' retirement and the take-up of disability pension.
- Aline Bütikofer, Katrine V. Løken and Kjell G. Salvanes (2015): Long-term consequences of access to well-child visits.
- Arnstein Mykletun, Gaute Torsvik and Kjell Vaage: Evaluering av Tillitsprosjektet i Mandal kommune. NAV/FARVE Sluttrapport (2014).
- Katrine V. Løken, Shelly Lundberg (UCSB) and Julie Riise (UiB): "Lifting the burden: State care of the elderly and the location and labor supply of adult children". Working paper (2014).
- Katrine V. Løken, Kjell Erik Lommerud and Katrine Holm Reiso: "Single Mothers and their children: Evaluating a work-encouraging welfare reform." Working paper (2014).
- Gaute Torsvik and Kjell Vaage: "Gatekeeping versus monitoring: Evidence form a case with extended self-reporting of sickness absence." Working paper (2014).
- Julian Johnsen, and Kjell Vaage: "Does early retirement affect the spousal take-up of disability pension?" Working paper (2014).
- Christian Hagist, Natalie Laub, Bernd Raffelhüschen, Alf Erling Risa: "Pension Reform in Norway - A European Perspective." Working paper (2014).
- Reme, S.E., Grasdal, A., Løvvik, C., Lie, S.A., and S. Øverland: "The effectiveness of a work-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and individual job support on work participation for common mental disorders: randomized controlled multicenter trial." (2014)
- Reme, S.E., Tveito, T.H., Harris, A., Lie, S.A., Grasdal, A., Indahl, A., Brox, J.I.,Tangen, T., Hagen, E.M., Gismervik, S., Ødegård, A., Frøyland, L., Fors, E.A., Chalder, T., Eriksen, H.R.,: "Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (The CINS trial): A randomized controlled multicenter trial comparing a brief intervention with additional cognitive behavioral therapy, Seal oil, and Soy oil for sick-listed low back pain patients." (2014)
- Ginther, Donna, Grasdal, Astrid, and Robert A. Pollack: "Fathers' Multiple-Partner Fertility and Children’s Educational Outcomes: Estimates from Norwegian Data." (2014)
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås, Egil Kjerstad: "Prioritization and the Elusive Effect on Welfare - A Norwegian Health Care Reform Revisited. (2014)
- Anders Molander and Gaute Torsvik: Getting people into work: What (if anything) can justify mandatory activation of welfare recipients? (2013).
- Arild Aakvik, Frank Hansen and Gaute Torsvik: "Dynamic Peer Effects in Sales Teams" (2013).
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås, and Karin Monstad: "Evaluating a National Labour and Welfare Administration Reform (NAV)" (2013).
- Katrine Vellesen Løken, Julian Vedeler Johnsen, Prashant Bharadwaj: "Smoking Bans, Maternal Smoking and Birth Outcomes." (2013).
- Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad, Kari Vea Salvanes: What Is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave? (2013).
- Silje Endresen Reme, Astrid Grasdal, Stein Atle Lie, Kari Ludvigsen, Camilla Sigvaldsen Løvvik, Simon Nygaard Øverland: "Effektevaluering av Senter for jobbmestring." Sluttrapport. (2013)
- Gordon B. Dahl, Andreas Kostøl, and Magne Mogstad: "Family Welfare Cultures." (2013).
- Karsten Marshall Elseth Rieck and Kjetil Telle: "Sick Leave Before, During and After Pregnancy" (2012).
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås, Egil Kjerstad: "Will Increased Capacity for Hospital Treatment Reduce Waiting Times and Sick Leave Costs? An Empirical Analysis of a Norwegian Health Policy Reform." (2012).
- Astrid Grasdal, Tor Helge Holmås, Espen Bratberg, Leroy Andersland: "Veier til gradert eller full uførepensjon." Rapport. (2012).
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen, Kjell Vaage: "Is Recipiency of Disability Pension Hereditary?" (2012).
- Espen Bratberg and Karin Monstad: "Worried Sick? Worker Responses to Organizational Turmoil." (2012).
- Sandra E. Black, Paul J. Devereux, Katrine V. Løken and Kjell G. Salvanes: "Care or cash? The effect of child care subsidies on student performance." (2012).
- Karsten Marshall Elseth Rieck and Kjell Vaage: "Social Interaction at the Workplace: Exploring Sickness Absence Behavior." (2012).
- Karsten Marshall Elseth Rieck: " "Does child care affect parents’ sickness absence? Evidence from a Norwegian paternity leave reform." (2012).
- Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad: " "Peer Effects in Program Participation." (2012).
- Andreas Ravndal Kostøl and Magne Mogstad: "How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work." (2012).
- Kjell Erik Lommerud, Odd Rune Straume, Steinar Vagstad: " "Employment protection and unemployment benefits: On technology adoption and job creation in a matching model." (2012).
- Jasmin Häcker, Christian Hagist, Erling Vårdal: "Who pays for whom? Redistributive Effects of the Norwegian Pension Reform." (2012)
- Løken, K. V., Bharadwaj, P. and Nielson, C.: "Early Life Health Interventions and Academic Achievement." (2012).
- Mykletun, A, Evensen, M., Hagen, K, and Vaage, K.: "Rapport etter ekspertmøtet om årsaker til kjønnsforskjeller i sykefravær." Oslo, 23.-24. november 2011, overlevert Arbeidsepartementet 29. mars 2012.
- Grasdal, A., Lie, S.A., Ludvigsen, K., Løvvik, C., Reme, S.E., og S. Øverland: Evaluering av senter for jobbmestring. Delrapport 3, august 2012. Uni Helse.
- Black, S., Devereux, P., Løken, K.V. and Salvanes, K.G.: "The Effect of Child Care Subsidies on Academic Performance." 2011.
- Christian Hagist, Bernd Raffelhüschen, Alf Erling Risa and Erling Vårdal: "Long-Term Fiscal Effects of Public Pension Reform in Norway - A Generational Accounting Analysis." (2011).
- Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall: "What Linear Estimators Miss: The Effects of Family Income on Child Outcomes." (2011).
- Katrine V. Løken, Kjell Erik Lommerud and Shelly Lundberg: "Your place or mine? On the residence choice of young couples in Norway." (2011).
- Espen Bratberg, Karsten Marshall Elseth Rieck, Kjell Vaage "Intergenerational Earnings Mobility and Divorce."? (2011).
- Lene Lunde and Katrine V. Løken: "How are you feeling? Assessing reporting bias in a subjective measure of health by quantile regression." (2011).
- Grasdal, Astrid: "Folketrygdens utgifter - hvordan begrense utgiftsveksten?" Kommentar til Statsbudsjettet 2011. Arbeidsnotat (Samfunnsøkonomen, nr. 8, 2010).
- Johansen, J. og Løken, K.V.: "Økonomisk registerforskning på likestillingseffekter av velferdstiltak og familiepolitikk." Rapport skrevet på oppdrag fra Likestillingsutvalget, August 2011.
- Vaage, Kjell: "Er 100 prosent løsningen? Erfaringer fra Norge." I Mellan arbete och sjukdom, Socialförsäkringsrapport 2011:3, Försäkringskassan, Sverige.
- Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmås, M. Kamrul Islam and Kjell Vaage: "Teachers’ Sickness Absence in Primary Schools: A Panel Data Multilevel Analysis" (2010).
- Astrid Grasdal and Karin Monstad: "Inequity in the use of physician services in Norway before and after introducing patient lists in primary care." Working paper series in Social Insurance 99, University of Bergen (2010).
- Kjell Erik Lommerud, Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume: "Mergers and capital flight in unionised oligopolies: is there scope for a 'national champion' policy?" Working paper series in Social Insurance, University of Bergen (2010).
- Kjell Erik Lommerud og Odd Rune Straume: "Employment protection versus flexicurity: on technology adoption in unionized firms." Working paper series in Social Insurance, University of Bergen (2010).
- Carneiro, P., Løken, K.V. and Salvanes, K.G.: A Flying Start? Long Term Consequences of Time Investments in Children During Their First Year of Life. Working Paper 06/10, Dept of Economics, University of Bergen. 2010.
- Espen Bratberg and Ghazala Naz: "Does paternity leave affect mothers`sickness abscence?" (2009)
- Øivind Anti Nilsen, Kjell Vaage, Arild Aakvik og Karl Åge Jacobsen: "Sources of Measurement Errors in Earnings Data: New Estimates of Intergenerational Mobility in Norway." (2008)
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås, M. Kamrul Islam: "Does variation in GP practice matter for the length of sick leave? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP-patient data" (2008)
- Astrid L. Grasdal, Karin Monstad: "Inequity in the use of physician services in Norway. Changing patterns over time?" (2008)
- Astrid L. Grasdal, Karin Monstad: "Sosial ulikhet i fordelingen av helsetjenester, målemetoder og empiriske funn". (2008)
- Astrid Grasdal: "Inntektsulikhet og sosiale helseforskjeller, teorier og empiri". (2008)
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind A. Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: "Job losses and child outcomes" (2007)
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal, and John Gunnar Mæland: "Individual and contextual predictors of permanent disability after sickness absence with psychiatric diagnoses: Population based prospective cohort study" (2007)
- Benedicte Carlsen, and Arild Aakvik: "Patient involvement in clinical decision-making: The effect of GP attitude on patient satisfaction." (2007)
- Benedicte Carlsen, Arild Aakvik, and Ole Frithjof Norheim: "Variation in practice: A questionnaire survey of how congruence in attitudes between doctors and patients influence referral decisions." (2007)
- Katrine Vellesen Løken: "Family income and children's education: Using the Norwegian oil boom as a natural experiment." (2007)
- Ghazala Naz: "Child-care in Norway: Use of parental leave by fathers" (2007)
- Kurt Brekke, Astrid Grasdal and Tor Helge Holmås: "Regulation and Pricing of Pharmaceuticals: Reference Pricing or Price Cap Regulation?" (2007)
- Ingvild Pedersen: Private helseforsikringar - status og betydning for utvikling i sosiale helseskilnader." (2007)
- Espen Bratberg, Svenn-Åge Dahl, Astrid Grasdal, Tor Helge Holmås, Kjell Vaage, Arild Aakvik: "Kunnskapsoversikt om insentiv- og fordelingsvirkninger av trygdeordninger for midlertidig inntektssikring ved sykdom, rehabilitering, attføring og uførhet" (2007)
- Joackim Kurtzhals: Tittel TBA. (2007)
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Frode Skjeret og Tor Helge Holmås: "Attitudes towards sickness absence in the Nordic countries." (2007)
- Espen Bratberg and Kjell Vaage: "Applications and awards for disability pensions: The Norwegian case." (2007)
- Jan Erik Askildsen and Tor Helge Holmås: "Wages and work conditions as determinants for physicians' work decisions" (2006)
- Ghazala Naz: "The labour supply of native and immigrant mothers in Norway" (2006)
- Espen Bratberg, Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: "Has job stability decreased in Norway?" (2006)
- Ghazala Naz: "Effect of cash-benefit reform on immigrants' labour supply and earnings" (2006)
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind A. Nilsen, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Innspel til 'Arbeidsinkluderingsmeldinga'." (2006)
- Sturla Gjesdal, John Gunnar Mæland, and Espen Bratberg: "Musculoskeletal impairments and disability among women and men in the Norwegian working population: a multi-register based study 1997-2002." (2006)
- Astrid Grasdal: "Inntektsulikhet og sosiale helseforskjeller. En kunnskapsoversikt." (2006)
- Arild Aakvik, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: "Educational Attainment and Family Background." (2005)
- Arild Aakvik og Tor Helge Holmås: "Access to Primary Health Care and Health Outcomes: The Relationships between GP Characteristics and Mortality Rates." (2005)
- Tor Helge Holmås og Oddvar Kaarbøe: "Is There a Demand Response by Patients in Primary Care?" (2005)
- Jarle Møen, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Kva er kostnadene ved omstilling?" (2005)
- Espen Bratberg, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Avtakande jobbstabilitet i Noreg?" (2005)
- Arild Aakvik and Tor Helge Holmås: "The relationship between economic conditions, access to health care, and health outcomes." (2004)
- Arild Aakvik and Svenn-Åge Dahl: "Transitions to employment from labour market enterprises in Norway." (2004)
- Josef Honerkamp, Stefan Moog og Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Earlier or Later: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Bringing Forward an Already Announced Tax Reform." (2004)
- Jan Erik Askildsen og Tor Helge Holmås: "Wages and work conditions as determinants for physicians work decisions." (2004)
- Arild Aakvik, Svenn-Dahl og Kjell Vaage: "Late careers and career exits in Norway." (2004)
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen og Kjell Vaage: "Intergenerational Mobility: Trends Across the Earnings Distribution." (2004)
- Arild Aakvik, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: "Measuring the Heterogeneity in the Returns to Education." (2003)
- Badi H. Baltagi, Espen Bratberg, and Tor Helge Holmås: "A panel data study of physicians labor supply: The case of Norway." (2003)
- Arild Aakvik and Egil Kjerstad: "Skill formation among vocational rehabilitation clients public policy vs private incentives." (2002)
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Gender differences in early retirement behaviour." (2002)
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Unemployment, labour force composition and sickness absence. A panel data study." (2002)
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås and Egil Kjerstad: "A low-key social insurance reform Treatment effects for back pain patients in Norway." (2002)
- Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage: "Public transfers and marital dissolution." (2002)
- Espen Bratberg and Sigve Tjøtta: "Income effects of divorce in families with dependent children." (2002)
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Assessing changes in intergenerational earnings mobility." (2002)
- Ghazala Naz: "Determinants of fertility in Norway." (2002)
- Ghazala Naz, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Steinar Vagstad: "Education and completed fertility in Norway." (2002)
- Ghazala Naz: "Education and the quality-quantity trade-off in Pakistani womens fertility decisions." (2002)
- Ghazala Naz: "The impact of a cash benefit reform on parents labour force participation." (2002)
- Astrid Grasdal: "The performance of sample selection estimators to control for attrition bias." (2001)
- Astrid Grasdal: "The empirical importance of randomisation bias in the Bergen experiments." (2001)
- Astrid Grasdal: "Unemployment persistence among young labour market entrants." (2001)
- Sturla Gjesdal and Espen Bratberg: "The role of gender in long-term sickness absence and transition to permanent disability benefits. Results from a multiregister based, prospective study in Norway 1990-1995." (2001)
- Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage: "Marital Disruption in Norway." (2001)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational Accounting - Quo Vadis?" (2001)
- Sturla Gjesdal and Espen Bratberg: "Diagnosis and duration in sickness-absence as predictors for disability pension." (2001)
- Torunn S. Nilsen and Alf Erling Risa: "Duration in Work after Leaving School." (2000)
- Espen Bratberg, Astrid Grasdal, and Alf Erling Risa: "Evaluation in a Changing Welfare State: Experiments and Accumulation of Knowledge." (2000) (revised version 2001)
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg, and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Sickness Absence over the Business Cycle." (2000)
- Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmås, and Øystein Thøgersen: "Assessing the Effects of Early Retirement Programs." (2000) (revised version 2002)
- Espen Bratberg and Alf Erling Risa: Insentivvirkninger i helserelaterte stønadsordninger (2000)
- Tone Ingrid Tysse and Kjell Vaage: "Unemployment of Older Norwegian Workers: A Competing Risk Analysis." (1999)
- Arild Aakvik: "Bounding a Matching Estimator: The Case of a Norwegian Training Program." (1999)
- Arild Aakvik: "Estimating the Employment Effects of Education for Disabled Workers in Norway." (1999)
- Arild Aakvik: "Assessing the Effects of Labor Market Training in Norway." (1999)
- Arild Aakvik, James J. Heckman and Edward J. Vytlacil: "Training Effects on Employment when the Training Effects are Heterogenous: An Application to Norwegian Vocational Rehabilitation Programs." (1999)
- Espen Bratberg, Svenn-Åge Dahl and Alf Erling Risa: "'The Double Burden' - Are Modern Females Overworked by Career and Family?" (1999)
- Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Transitions from School to Work: Search Time and Job Duration." (1999)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Funding Social Insurance in Norway." (1999)
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øyvind A. Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Work or Retirement? Exit Routes for Norwegian Elderly." (1999)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational accounting in Europe." (1999)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Aging and Intergenerational Equity: From PAYGO to Funded Pension Systems." (1999)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Aging, Fiscal Policy and Social Insurance: A European Perspective." (1999)
- Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational Accounting Around the Globe." (1999)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Family Policy in Norway" (1998)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Kva skal vi gjera med alle pengane våre?" (1998)
- Kjell Erik Lommerud: "Lønnsdannelse, lønnsforskjeller og kvinnelønn." (1997)
- Holger Bonin, Bernd Raffelhüschen and Jan Walliser: "Can Immigration Alleviate the Demographic Burden?" (1997)
- Espen Bratberg and Kjell Vaage: "Spell Duration and Long Unemployment Insurance Periods." (1996)
- Espen Bratberg: "Sickness Duration and Disability Eligibility." (1996)
- Alf Erling Risa and Alf Torstensen: "Staying or Leaving: Transitions from Work among Norwegian Youths." (1996)
- Espen Bratberg: "Short Run Exits from Long Term Sickness." (1995)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Economic Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs." (1995)
- Alf Erling Risa: "The Welfare State as Provider of Accident Insurance in The Workplace: Efficiency and Distribution in Equilibrium. Technical Appendix." (1995)
- Arild Aakvik and Alf Erling Risa: "Success or Selection in Vocational Rehabilitation Programs." (1995)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa: "Generational Accounting and Intergenerational Welfare." (1995)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Objectives and Strategies in the Development of the Norwegian Welfare State." (1995)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "A Note on Intertemporal and Gender-specific Redistribution in Generational Accounting." (1995)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Adverse Incentives from Improved Technology: Traffic Safety Regulation in Norway." (1994)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Preference Revelation in Strict Liability Product Safety Markets." (1994)
- Alf Erling Risa: "The Welfare State as Provider of Accident Insurance in The Workplace: Efficiency and Distribution in Equilibrium." (1994)
- Espen Bratberg and Alf Erling Risa: "Technological Diffusion through Profit Seeking and Epidemic Information Processes." (1994)
- Espen Bratberg: "Preference Revelation in Disability Insurance." (1994)
- Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa: "Reforming Social Security in a Small Open Economy." (1994)
- Sjur Didrik Flåm and Alf Erling Risa: "Market Insurance, Social Insurance, and Education." (1994)
- Jan Erik Askildsen: "Providing Incentives through Decentralized Social Insurance." (1994)
- Alf Erling Risa: "Product Safety Regulation and Social Insurance." (1994)