


Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis 2011)

2011, May 31–June 3

EuroVis 2011 is the 13th annual Visualization Symposium jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee. We are excited about the big honor to organize this prestigeous event in Bergen in 2011. We have started to organize the conference and are also preparing the event's public relations including flyers, posters, web pages, etc.
Contact Helwig.Hauser (at) UiB.no or Ivan.Viola (at) UiB.no in case of interest and/or questions


TopoInVis 2011 – Workshop on Topology-Based Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization

2011, April 2–4

TopoInVis 2011 in Zurich will follow the three successful workshops in 2005 (Budmerice, Slovakia), 2007 (Leipzig, Germany) and 2009 (Salt Lake City, USA). It will be held in an open atmosphere of informal discussions, open exchange and personal interaction. Submissions are peer-reviewed before the workshop. All accepted papers must be presented at the workshop.
Contact Helwig.Hauser (at) UiB.no in case of interest and/or questions.


Forskningsdagene09 - an annual festival dedicated to research

2009, September 18 & 19

The Research Days (Forskningsdagene) held in Bergen are an annual festival dedicated to research. During this event research and learning institutions of Bergen presented their activities to a broad audience including children and adults, laymen and experts. This year, the VisGroup together with their partners from HUS and CMR presented the newly started Illustrated Ultrasound (IllustraSound) project.

Contact Ivan.Viola (at) UiB.no in case of interest and/or questions.


IllustraVis09 - interdisciplinary gathering on illustrative visualization

2009, June 3 & 4

Twelve invited talks and a panel discussion form the program of IllustraVis09. The event is held in the Vilvite Center, on 3rd and 4th of June 2009. Our intention is to host a discussion arena for experts and interested audience from different disciplines that play important role in application of illustrative visualization in science.

Contact Ivan.Viola (at) UiB.no in case of interest and/or questions.


ClimaVis08 - visualization meets meteorology/ climate research

2008, Aug. 21

Six interesting invited talks (three from Bergen, three from abroad) form the program of ClimaVis08 in the afternoon or 21st of August (13h--17h30), which is an event where visualization researchers meet scientists from meteorology and climate research to exchange about the role of visualization in that fascinating field of research.

Contact Helwig.Hauser (at) UiB.no in case of interest and/or questions.


SimVis08 - Simulation and Visualization 2008

2008, Feb. 28 & 29

The traditional conference SimVis in Magdeburg, Germany, has a special focus on flow simulation and visualization in 2008. 

Contact paper co-chair Helwig.Hauser (at) UiB.no in case of questions.

NorVis07 - gathering to discuss visualization & its applications

2007, May 21 & 22

On May 21st & 22nd, 2007, about 60 participants from Bergen, Norway, and from abroad met in Bergen, Norway, to discuss visualization and its applications. Ten invited talks of selected visualization researchers (six from the international visualization community) as well as of top domain specialists (four from selected local fields of potential application of visualization) formed an interesting program together with a lot of stimulating discussion.

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