Bergen sommer-forskerskole
BSRS 2018

Seks doktorgradskurs om globale utfordringer

Vi tar for oss noen av de største globale utfordringene, fra helse, matsikkerhet og kulturminner i en digital virkelighet, til økologi og etikk, matproduksjon og rettigheter i politikken. Meld deg på til Sommer-forskerskolen 2018 nå.

Students on Vidden
Eivind Senneset / UiB


The annual Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) is an interdisciplinary venue for exploring some of the greatest challenges of our time. About one hundred PhD candidates, researchers and policy makers from around the world will gather in Bergen from 11-21 June, 2018.

We now accept applications (deadline 15 February 2018)

The courses will be tied together by common sessions on research tools, writing and presentation skills, joint keynotes by high-profile researchers, plenary discussions, and an excursion into the Norwegian waterscape.

BSRS seeks to create a unique environment for the participants to present, engage, discuss, progress their thinking, and improve on their work.

Bergen Summer Research School is a joint effort by the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Uni Research, and the University of Bergen.

Courses next summer: