Forskerskole i klinisk psykologi og utviklingspsykologi
Online Lecture

"Trauma and the resilience paradox" by Professor George Bonanno

Vi er glade for å kunne meddele at Professor George A. Bonannoer ansatt som professor II i Forskerskolen i klinisk psykologi og utviklingspsykologi (CDP), og ønsker velkommen til hans digitale introduksjonsforedrag “Trauma and the resilience paradox”.


George A. Bonanno, Ph.D. is a Professor of Clinical Psychology, Columbia University, New York City. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1991. His research and scholarly interests have centered on the question of how human beings cope with loss, trauma and other forms of extreme adversity, with an emphasis on resilience and the salutary role of flexible coping and emotion regulatory processes.

Professor Bonanno’s recent empirical and theoretical work has focused on defining and documenting adult resilience in the face of loss or potential traumatic events, and on identifying the range of psychological and contextual variables that predict both psychopathological and resilient outcomes. In 2019, he received lifetime achievement awards from both the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA).

Bonanno is also head of the Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab.

For those who are interested we enclose the link to one of his recent papers that may be of interest for you to read in relation to his talk. The title of his article is “The resilience paradox”, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12:1, 1942642.Doi: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20008198.2021.1942642

The lecture will start at 15:00 and will end with a 30 minute question session. 

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