Theory and applications of high-frequency georadar for various urban investigations in Quaternary grounds in Norway
Dette masterprosjektet ble gjennomført av student Emil Lie Hansen, i perioden 2019-2021.
Project description
This master Project has been initiated in Cooperation With the interested student (Emil Lie Hansen) and it will be connected to the supervisors participation to EU COST ACTION SAGA (CA17131) "The Soil Science & Archaeo-geophysics Alliance: going beyond prospection":
Contacts are established With SAGA colleagues in Norway (archaeo-geophysicists; NTNU museum and Vestfold Fylkeskommune) due to a SAGA workshop in Praha 30/09-3/10 which I am attending. SAGA has no Project Money per se but can cover for travel expenses in relation to Conferences, or Field courses for students, etc.
The student will plan, acquire, process and interpret 2D and 3D georadar surveys on urban grounds, especially in/near Bergen. For a geophysical survey to be successful, the ground and targeted structures need to show contrasts in the mapped parameters (here electric permittivity and conductivity). This might be highly varying, both due to the geology itself (type and spatial variations) and due to time-varying effects such as precipitation and temperature. Some of the test sites will then be acquired at different times of the year and the results analyzed accordingly.
Nygårdsparken will be used for such monitoring tests, but other sites will be defined depending the cooperation With the co-supervisors. The overall aim is to study the feasibility of GPR surveying in various grounds in and near Bergen.
Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS):
Studenten skal følge relevante emner for prosjektet, bl.a. et spesialpensum i georadar, samt GEOV226 og GEOV217. Det vil også være relevant med UNIS-kurset AG335 (arktisk seismikk), samt GEOV302.
Bachelor i geofysikk, gjerne fra UiB.
Eksterne data
Studenten skal samle egne date med georadar
Felt- lab- og analysearbeid
Studenten skal samle georadar data selv, eventuelt i samarbeid med medstudent, med veiledning. Det er aktuelt å bruke uteområder i Nygårdsparken for å kunne identifisere spennende strukturer for senere gjenbruk (f.eks. for undervisningssammenheng i grunnkurs i geofysikk (GEOV111).